Today let’s take a break from all the decorating (Mantels, Trees, Wreaths) and talk about food!
But not just any food… tasty, yummy, gooey, Christmas treats!
I’ll share some of our traditional Christmas treats and some new ones I plan to incorporate.
Here are some treats I have made in past years to giveaway as gifts:
Oreo Truffles
so easy and absolutely delicious!! recipe here
English Toffee
This is so buttery and yummy! You will need a candy thermometer and it can be tricky but worth it in the end. recipe here
Peppermint Bark
Very easy and tastes just like Christmas. recipe here
and of course we can’t forget…
Whatever combination you choose, don’t forget the fudge! Chocolate with nuts recipe here.
Family treats:
I am not sure what your tradition with Christmas food entails, but we typically don’t have a formal meal (like a turkey or ham with all the fixings). We usually all just bring some yummy snacks and finger foods and call it a meal.
My husband’s favorite – Sausage balls!
I found this recipe the other day in a cookbook (on Pinterest, of course, who uses cookbooks anymore when Pinterest is so pretty with pictures ) We thought the twist of adding cream cheese made them even better!
Puppy Chow (Chocolate Chex Mix, Trash, whatever your area of the country calls it 😉
An easy treat, but I dare you to eat just ONE handful recipe here
Coca-Cola Cake
Have you ever had this? I never had until I married into my husband’s family (tip: when you are looking for a husband, find one whose mom is a great baker. I grew up with a mom who was a good cook and now have a MIL that is a good cook – my cooking definitely has benefited from both!)
If you haven’t had Coca-Cola cake (or Coke cake, as we call it, cause everything is “Coke” here in the South), stop right now and make it. But only if your husband is going to be home in 2 hours, because if not you might eat the whole pan. Gooey, chocolate goodness – THE best chocolate cake I have ever tasted. 🙂 Christmas is not complete in our house unless there is Coke cake.
Strawberry Pretzel Salad
MMMM…. another favorite! And it has to be some-what good for you – it has strawberries in it. recipe here
My husband’s family have a tradition of waking up on Christmas morning, opening presents, then eating ham and cheese omelets for breakfast. Yummy!
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
I am planning on incorporating a new tradition in our family this year of baking homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning (or monkey bread or something like that if I can’t perfect a homemade cinnamon roll.) Anyone have any tips on homemade cinnamon rolls for me?
And I am sure I am forgetting some . . .and more will get added to the favorites list as years go by.
What are some of your favorite Christmas treats?
Any family traditions behind them?
Mmmm…I love PW’s cinnamon rolls! I have made them many times and they are fab. The icing is the bomb – maple flavoring and coffee. YOWZA.
that seems to be what everyone is recommending! 🙂 You do so good at baking from scratch- breads and such – one of my goals to work on for next year. 🙂
so do you cut the recipe in 1/2 or what? don’t think I need 7 pans for just David and I! 🙂
or have you gotten to the putting in the pan part and then frozen it?
also trying to find a recipe or method where I can get them made into roll form in pan and then have them in the fridge/freezer ready to just pop in the oven that morning – ever try that before?
I was going to say Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls too. They are the bomb! I made them for the first time last year and gave pans of them to several neighbors. I have made quite a few different recipes and this is the one I will go back to.
Sandra Lee has a pretty good one on that uses frozen bread dough.
But if you want to go all out, try PW’s! They aren’t hard either.
I think I will! And I will most certainly “test” them before Christmas just to practice making them (and eating them!) 🙂
MMMM!!! If you wanted try a “healthier” route – try this recipe from Heavenly Homemakers – I love her site and several friends rave about it, I’m excited to try it too!
think I will try this – maybe half and half wheat and white.
thanks, Nikki!
Cinnamon rolls are amazing! PW’s recipe is good, although I’ve tweaked it a good bit. And yeah, the coffee maple frosting is awesome! I keep cinnamon rolls in the freezer and we have them for Sunday morning quite often. Just put the frozen pan on the counter or in the oven covered with a towel the night before and then just bake in the morning. So easy!
And Oreo truffles are amazing…thanks for making me hungry! =P
LOVE – thanks so much for commenting!! I knew there had to be a way to freeze them! I don’t mind doing all the work one day just not the morning I want to bake them. and I would like my “day” of work to last for 2 months of cinnamon rolls 😉
so you roll them up and I am assuming don’t let them rise that one last time before popping in the freezer? and did you just buy some disposable pans? or you know what – I am wondering if you could freeze them, then pop them out of the pan and into a bag. then you could just pull out as many as you want? hmmmm… going to try that soon.
I actually wasn’t a fan of the icing (didn’t have maple but did add the coffee and I do like coffee). Think I will find a caramel version or just make a basic cream cheese icing.
even though I am not doing baking for gifts – oreo truffles will still have to get made this year! 😉
Wow!! There are so many great ideas here! The oreo balls look delish!! Thanks for linking up today! 🙂