A few weeks ago my friend Leah, who blogs at Embracing Grace, was in town for the week. So we set aside some time that week to get together and do lunch and catch up. Luckily her hotel was within a mile of a really nice Goodwill which she had already scoped out so we headed there after lunch to do some shopping. Yay for friends who like to thrift too!
The first thing that caught my eye was this heavy mirror/sculpted piece. I have no idea if this is an old piece or just made to look old but it was unique and very much my style. It’s something I can imagine Joanna Gaines grabbing up and using in one of her Fixer Upper homes and I just love her style. So it went in my cart for $10.
I also found this other decorative piece and for $2.52 I couldn’t pass it up. I am really trying to be on the lookout for unique pieces and really liked this one. It could easily be painted if I feel a different color would work better with where I want to put it.
And I couldn’t pass up this turquoise insulator piece for $1.51. That is an amazing price as I passed up many priced much higher before I bought the one I have at a yard sale for $5.00. These are fun to use to decorate around the house and one of my favorite colors!
Leah found some great buys too like a Pottery Barn Kids floral shaped pink small side table in great condition and a cute white shelf for her daughters room. I think the PBK table was priced for less than $10 and I am sure was several hundred dollars new.
I haven’t picked up a lot at yardsales in the last 2 weeks but that’s ok because I have got some amazing deals this spring and my list is narrow and specific. But I did pick up these 2 yellow candles for $0.25 each.
And as I am working on decorating my master bedroom, I have found that I have very few frames that can be displayed standing up versus hanging on the wall. I have a huge bin of yard sale frames that I am slowly using as I work on hanging things on the wall but almost none of them had the easel stand on the back. So I have been looking for some cheap frames I can use on top of my dresser and nightstands and other places throughout the house. These 2 were a great deal for $0.75 and will be amazing after some paint!
What have you found recently? I have been working on making over some more things I have had for a while and have found recently and can’t wait to show you!
That mirror is perfect!!! I love the rustiness of it. 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend!
Great finds, Christina! I just found an old sewing machine in the cabinet this morning at Goodwill for $10.25…..I bought it mainly for the cabinet, but can’t decide if I’m going to let my husband refinish it or if I’m going to paint it!?
Thanks for sharing – enjoy the weekend!
I love all your finds! Especially the mirror/sculpture – what a very nice piece at an amazing price. I don’t get to Goodwill very often but did this past week and posted my finds on my blog. Thanks for sharing!
Love, love, love that mirror!
I love your mirror and your frames idea! I never really thought about my lack of pictures on surfaces. My son and I went to the thrift store last week and we found him a $4 Dillard’s blazer to wear to church. A great price!
thank you for sharing this information. this was really cool.