This post is part of a series – “31 days of Pinterest: Pinned to Done” You can read all the posts in this series here. And to make sure you don’t miss anything you can sign up to have every post sent to your email, follow me on facebook, or subscribe in your reader.
Today’s project was inspired by this pin (that I pinned from Sherry of Young House Love a year ago) originally pinned from My Home Ideas.
When I ordered from Consumer Crafts a few weeks ago, I noticed that they had big bags of cinnamon sticks and I realized it would be the perfect time to pick some up to make this wreath!
I actually got two 1 lb. bags of 6 inch long cinnamon sticks. And a 12” wood wreath form from Michael’s for $1.99. I ended up using 1 1/2 bags of the cinnamon sticks.
I guess I could have spray painted my wreath form so it would have blended in a little more, but honestly on day 25 of making crafts I am just about “craft-ed out!” And I don’t mind that you can see some of the wreath form – it is brown and looks natural like the sticks. So it is up to you if you want to paint the wreath form.
I just glued the sticks around the form with hot glue. They adhered really fast and well. At one point I realized I was gluing them on at more of an angle so had to take a few off and straighten them up. Make sure to glue straight up and down and not aligned with the angle of the inside of the ring.
I used another piece of my gingham red ribbon and hung it up.
And here is the finished wreath!
It looks very sunburst style to me too which I love!
The original tutorial said to glue several layers of sticks and I planned to do that. But I used 1 1/2 of the bags already doing this and wouldn’t have had enough to make another layer all the way around. So that is up to you if you want to make it fuller/layered but you will definitely need more cinnamon sticks.
And now for the question, I know you are thinking…. does it smell like cinnamon?? These sticks do not have a very fragrant smell. I could smell them some when I opened the bag, but it is not an overwhelmingly smell at all. I think the cinnamon sticks and cinnamon scented pinecones in the stores are sprayed with scent to make them smell like that. So I am sure I could get some essential oil or spray and add that to them to get the “scent factor”.
I am joining Nester from Nesting Place in writing a 31 days series in October. You can see all the other hundreds of people writing a 31 days series here.
And I am excited to have 3 blogging friends join me in the insanity! Check out their series by clicking on the buttons below.
And my sister-in-law is joining along too! Writing about their transition as they move across the country with four children.
LOVEEEEE it!!!! Gorgeous. You are amazing!
Oh this is awesome! I love the sunburst effect and it’s so simple & earthy. You know I have to pin this!
Debbie 🙂
I hear you because I’m about cooked out, too. I’m loving it, but am also glad that the end of the series is in sight. Way to go, us, for doing it! 🙂 I love your cinnamon wreath. I love wreaths. How did I not know that Michael’s sells wreath forms? Brilliant. Congrats on another project done!
I can imagine! your series was a lot of fun too.
I had to look EVERYWHERE for that wood form – Hobby Lobby didn’t have them and Walmart didn’t either. And I knew SOMEWHERE had them because I had bought one a few years ago. good price and good product!
This looks lovely and I bet it smells amazing! Cinnamon is one of my favourite scents. I’m wondering where you got the cinnamon sticks? Because they are super expensive here- about $5 for a very small bag of them. 🙁
I got them through Consumer Still not cheap but I got it with a paid campaign I did with them. I tried last year to watch after Christmas and pick some up on clearance but never saw any. so maybe check clearance??