I showed you this serving stand that I got for $3.00 at the flea market. I was so excited to find this as this was a SPECIFIC item on my “to-find” list.
I wasn’t crazy about the color, but nothing that a little spray paint in my favorite color – Krylon Oil-Rubbed Bronze.
Now all I needed was some plates for it! I tried all of the plates that I had – the dinner plates were too big and the salad plates were too small. I measured and needed 10 inch plates. Most dinner plates are 11 inches and salad plates are much smaller 7-8 inches. I looked and looked – bought a few at Kohl’s and Wal-mart, and returned them because they didn’t fit. (And they were expensive! At $3-5 each times the 3 plates needed my thrifty plate stand was going to turn expensive!) I finally just decided to wait until I could find plates at Goodwill or a yard sale.
About a month later I came across these plates at my parking lot yard sale. And they were at my favorite seller’s spot – she sells everything for 25¢ each! I measured them (because I carry a small measuring tape with me while shopping yard sales just for this reason! 🙂 and they were perfect size. I And she said she only wanted 50¢ for all 3 plates.
And here is my serving stand – total spent $3.50!
I used it last weekend at a bridal shower I coordinated and decorated for.
And yesterday as a cupcake stand!
When did this my sweet little second niece turn into such a big girl?
Blowing out the candles! So cute!
I keep the serving stand on my little dresser turned buffet in my dining room. (See all the details and my before/after reveal of my dining room here.)
I display some supper plates from my great-grandmother on it and my little turquoise bird.
The 50¢ plates fit perfect, look great and were just what I was wanting. And they keep my frugal serving stand a a frugal serving stand!
But I had to wait for them. I didn’t find them the same day I bought the stand and not even the next week. It was a little over a month later. A month that the serving stand sat useless, not being able to be used… waiting for the perfect pieces to complete it. I could have kept looking for a set of new plates and spend $5 (or more!) each making my serving stand cost $18 when completed. Or I could wait… just like I find myself doing in so many areas of life.
BUT when I waited, I not only found exactly what I was looking for, but better than I could have ever expected (hello… plates for $0.16 each!)
Wait : defined by Webster as “to watch; to observe; to take notice. To stay or rest in expectation.”
There are many times in life we find ourselves waiting… for a job change, for a friend, for money to buy the things you need, for life circumstances to change, for the economy to get better, for health to return or sickness to end, for a thrifted find on your “want list”, and so much more!
I have had many times of waiting in life (and let me tell you I struggle with making a patience even in the little things a virtue in my life.) Maybe that is why I find myself in so many times of waiting! But I am really trying to learn what I need to learn in those periods of waiting and to find God’s comfort and peace and unexpected blessings in waiting as well.
My sister in law shared these quotes on facebook last week:
- Be less concerned with what God can do for us while we are waiting and more concerned with what WE need to do while we wait.”
- “Submitting to God’s timetable requires faith and courage. Believe in the goodness of His heart and His plans–and determine to wait until He gives the signal to move forward. Then, as you follow His schedule, you’ll experience the joy of watching Him make all things beautiful in His timing.” (from In Touch)
And the Bible has so many things to say about waiting:
- Psalm 39:7 – And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee.
- Psalm 62:5 – My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.
- Psalm 130:5 – I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait, and in His Word do I hope.
Are you in a time of waiting? Make use of that time to learn the lessons you need to learn! Then be patient and just. wait… You never know, by waiting, the end can turn out so much better than YOU could have dreamed or expected! And if you wait with the right attitude, trusting and having faith in God, your faith and trust in God will definitely be strengthened as well.
Sometimes I link up to these wonderful parties:
Sarahndipities, Skip to my Lou, Today’s Creative Blog, How to Nest for Less, Home Stories A to Z, Apron Thrift Girl, Tools are for women too, Not just a Housewife, A bowl full of lemons, Uncommon Designs Online, Someday Crafts, No Minimalist Here,Somewhat Simple, 36th Avenue, Sew Much Ado, The Style Sisters, The Thrifty Home, Domestically Speaking, House of Hepworths, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Weekend Blogging party at Serenity Now, Home Happy Home, Tatertots and Jello, Funky Junk Interiors, The Girl Creative, Miss Mustard Seed, Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, Remodelaholic, The Lettered Cottage, Before and after party at Thrifty Decor Chick, Pinterest Challenge at Young House Love
Linking up to: Rhoda’s Thrifty Treasure party
Oh, that’s excellent! A lesson on waiting. On faith. From a flea market, yard sale find. I really appreciate that you shared this!
Thanks, Donna! I promise the lesson on faith and waiting is definitely a process right now in my life. In deep, life matters and in little, flea market finds! 🙂 Now this little stand and plates help to remind me to have faith even in waiting! 🙂
I just registered for this site.
Thanks and welcome, Donna!
Great little lesson there 🙂 And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the blue bird. Little, fat birds are my FAVORITE!! Another excellent post, Christina!!
Thanks, Kathy! The little turquoise blue bird came from Michael’s back late February. They had a $5 off $5 purchase coupon and I got that and the little white owl for like $1.50 🙂
Kathy in N.C. , I just found this blog and I spotted that blue bird in the pics, too. I just bought a little blue bird like it at Michaels’ stores , and it was only $1.99 . I hope you get to find one, if you have not already done so. I had searched and searched for weeks and could not find one until I stopped in at Michael’s this month.
This is the second time I’ve read this post. I was going to comment the first time but I couldn’t see through my tears. I needed to hear what you had to say as a reminder to be patient and trust in the Lord’s timing. Who knew I would be so touched reading a post about a (pretty awesome) flea market find?! And that is why I have come to love your blog, tremendously! Thank you for sharing your talent and wisdom.
awwww… I am sorry it made you cry, Misty! But I know exactly what you mean. I have cried many times over times of waiting even as recent as this weekend. The lesson is this post was as much for me as it was for my readers. Waiting is so hard! And waiting for something you know is a good thing, that you see everyone else around you enjoying, that you don’t understand why God wouldn’t give it you is tremendously HARD!
Praying that the Lord will strengthen you and grow you during this time of waiting as I am praying will happen in my own life.
I have a plate stand very similar to that in that goldish color. I’m going to get me some spray paint this weekend. It looks great! I’m looking for a new china cabinet and need some china storage until I find it.
I love to use Krylon spray paint and I get it at Walmart. It is like $2.97 – $3.28 a can. I sprayed my stand with one of their metallic paints – called Oil-Rubbed Bronze.
Hope it works for you.
Thank you for the scripture references and faith lesson of waiting – it was a needed reminder. Blessings to you.
My daughter has a doll collection, a gal at a 2nd hand store wanted to get rid of her doll display, so we got 2 doll rockers and a doll deacons bench for $2 each. They really added to her collection. The one is ornate like a real rocker would be, with turned legs, rungs, and back. We found a plant stand on the side of the road, the top was damaged, and the base is cracked. Hubby refinished it. It looks brand new, and it cost us $20 for stain and Urethane, the crack we used glue with the sand shavings, and filled it, you cannot even see where it was. Everyone remarks how cute and ornate it is.
I always wanted a Kitchen Aid mixer, we could not afford one. I prayed about it, and let it go, thought it was not meant to be. One day we were looking on Craigslist.com and there one was. I sent a heartfelt message to the gal, she called, we were not her first email, but she said our email just spoke to her. ( $35, It was dirty, I cleaned it up – it’s like a brand new one ) It is such a joy to wait on the Lord, it taught me to wait on the Lord, his timing.
Hi, Christina, I enjoyed your blog. Love the story about the plate stand. I can relate. I am waiting on God for so many things. I was waiting on God to find me a fat, little blue bird and I had to be patient, but, it was so worth it. It was $1.99 @Michael’s . I was elated.
I also was waiting on God and praying for a Miracle , so that I could get a Kitchen Aid Mixer , about 3 years ago. Someone gave one to a rich lady who could afford whatever she wanted . I went home and cried. alot. for a long time. Later, that year, in Dec. my older Siser called and said that she was praying and God spoke to her & said that I had been asking God for a Miracle so that I could buy a K.A. Mixer ; God told her to bless me with a new Kitchen Aid Mixer for Christmas. She told me to go to Bed,Bath & Beyond in Knoxville, Tn, and pick out the one I wanted , she paid them $350 . I almost fainted. I chose the dark Red one and it came with a $50. value accessory attachment for Free, plus, a lady gave me a coupon for $20. Off ! I am sooooo Blessed.
P.S. The Kitchen Aid Mixer that the rich woman got, burned out , so , in the end, God wanted to bless me with a much, much better one . He is So Good , All The Time.