Board and Batten trim is an easy and inexpensive way to spruce up a hallway, dining room, or really any room in your home and add a lot of character for very little money! I’ll share a simple tutorial on how to do this trim anywhere in your home. The first thing you’ll want […]
2020 favorite projects
2020 sure was a year, wasn’t it? We had no idea going into the year last January what the year held, but thankful I know One who did! While there were projects I wasn’t able to complete, there were also a lot of things that got accomplished – especially when I look back at all […]
Cozy themed Christmas gift ideas under $20 with FREE printable “Have a Cozy Christmas” gift tag
Christmas Day is drawing closer and that always means scrambling to make sure all the gifts are ready! So many gifts – gifts for family, friends, parents, neighbors, teachers… I hope this post will provide some help in crossing some of those gifts off your list with under $20 Cozy Christmas themed gift ideas and […]
How to create an easy Hot Cocoa Bar with a DIY Hot Cocoa bar sign
This post sponsored by Joann but all opinions expressed and hot cocoa drinking is done by me! I don’t know about you but when the weather gets colds the kids start asking for hot cocoa…so what better way to celebrate the season and enjoy some family time at home then set up a hot cocoa […]
Farmhouse front porch filled with lots of pumpkins, mums, and haybales
One of my favorite spaces to decorate for the seasons is my front porch! And one of my favorite spots on our front porch is this porch swing… We’ve had several cooler days and I have soaked up being able to sit out here and drink a cup of coffee in the mornings or r […]
Modern Farmhouse Layered Fall Mantel and Living Room Decor
% am so excited to share my fall mantel and living room with you today! This year I have really enjoyed using deep fall colors like burnt orange and mustard yellow in my fall decor. I usually do mostly neutrals for fall decor but this year I just couldn’t resist the pretty burnt oranges I […]
Living room updates + new rug
It’s been a while since I have showed you our living room and I have been working on making a few updates and changes before the fall and Christmas decorating season is upon us. I’m calling this my pre-fall mantel But first let’s go back and see how far it’s come in the […]
DIY Wood Planter Box
How to make a DIY wood planter box to fill with flowers and hold a tiki torch. It is full-on summer here and since we are pretty much just staycationing at home this year I have been focusing on finally furnishing and fixing up our pool deck area. We have lived in this house for […]
Patriotic mantel and summer home tour
How to add simple patriotic touches to your home for the summer in classic farmhouse style. So excited to share my patriotic mantel and mini home tour with you today! I wasn’t sure I was going to decorate for the 4th this year except for maybe some little flags stuck in pots outside and maybe […]
15+ DIY projects you can easily build for your home
You know I have a huge love for building things for your home, so today I rounded up 15+ easy DIY projects YOU can easily build for your home. From organizing projects, outdoor projects, gifts and more – so many things you can easily build. This is such a creative DIY book storage idea by […]