Happy Monday! It’s time for another At Home DIY post and this month’s theme was a 2 hours DIY Challenge – basically build or DIY something in under 2 hours. I had a few projects in mind but I already bought all the materials for this project so this is the one I sharing today. […]
10 Build it Cheaper than You can Buy it projects
Did you know that in most cases you can build a piece of furniture cheaper than you can buy it? Well that’s just what I did with this entry bench that I built to use on the back porch to help us keep all the pool towels and stuff in check. Go see all the […]
10 outdoor DIY projects you can easily add to your home
Are you tackling some projects outside this summer? I LOVE being outdoors so of course that means projects usually are happening too from gardening to landscaping to building pretty outdoor spaces. I showed you last how I created a super flag to add some character and decor to the side of our shed. It’s such […]
DIY Large Wood Fence Picket American Flag Sign
Tis the season to be working on projects outside! We are in the midst of a gorgeous week with actual spring temperatures in Georgia, which is rare for May (usually we go straight to 90 degrees so I am soaking up all these 70 degree days!) This spring I am really working on sprucing up […]
How to add character to a kitchen peninsula or kitchen island
Have a plain kitchen island or kitchen peninsula that could use some character? You are in luck because today I am going to show you how I added “faux” shiplap and thick molding to add a ton of character to my plain jane kitchen peninsula. I knew I would love it because hello, shiplap?! But […]
Thrift Store Desk Makeover
It’s time for another DIY At Home challenge and this month’s challenge was right up my alley – a thrift store makeover. The only problem was choosing what project in my thrift store stash of projects I should work on! I had actually found this desk at Goodwill right before we moved and when […]
DIY Farmhouse Chicken Wire Frame
A step-by-step tutorial of how to make frame filled with chicken wire for farmhouse decor. Last week I showed you the makeover of this entryway cabinet and today I want to show you how I made this farmhouse chicken wire frame. I really wanted something different than a window or typical decor, but something I […]
DIY Wood Snowflake Chargers + Christmas tablescape
This post is part of a series entitled “12 DIYs of Christmas”. You can see all the projects and post in this series here. I am so excited to share this LAST project in our 12 DIY’s of Christmas. I hope you have gotten some inspiration and found some Christmas projects you were able to […]
Free Christmas printable with a DIY wood frame
This post is part of a series entitled “12 DIYs of Christmas”. You can see all the projects and post in this series here. For the 11th day of Christmas, I am showing you how to embellish a simple free Christmas printable with a wood frame! Supplies needed: free printable paint sticks stain glue I […]
DIY Christmas Wood Star
This post is part of a series entitled “12 DIYs of Christmas”. You can see all the projects and post in this series here. For the 10th DIY of Christmas, I created a DIY wood star! This was very easy and inexpensive to make. Here’s the supplies you will need: Five – 5 gallon paint sticks […]