Next step in the kitchen makeover was doing something about that not very pretty fluorescent light! If you have missed the previous kitchen makeover posts you can check out the before pictures here (oh, those wood edged laminate countertops – so glad those are gone!), picking out and ordering new laminate countertops from Home Depot, 10+ beautiful kitchens with updated laminate countertops, installing our own laminate countertops, and installing a DIYn beadboard backsplash.
I had been looking for several months at yard sales and thrift stores but I hadn’t found up anything in the size and style I was looking to find. Because my ceilings are only 8 foot, I needed a fixture that would only hang down a total of 22 inches max.
My vision was a metal chandelier (probably brass that I would paint oil rubbed bronze) with the white candle light sockets.
And I finally found it! I used to see these type of fixtures all the time but of course when I was looking for one, there were none to be found. I was shopping a few towns over with a friend and found this brass fixture for $5.05. But even better she qualifies for a senior citizen discount so I scored it for $3.78! You know, I am not all that excited about getting older… but when I remember that means I will qualify for 25% off at Goodwill – bring on 55!
I removed the white candle plastic covers which were in perfect shape and taped off the light sockets. I like to hang my light fixtures from an old shepherds hook so I can paint all angled at the same time. I also paint the chain and cord.
A few coats of Rustoleum Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint and it was looking beautiful!!
Fortunately that huge florescent light fixture had a standard small wiring box (I had checked before I decided to remove it). Already looking better! And yes, we have ceiling repair that needs to be done. Some of this was like this when we bought the house as a HUD home years ago. There must have been a leak upstairs in the bathroom or laundry room at some point. I don’t think repairing this and some other damage like this on the ceiling along the seams of the drywall is something I want to or am capable of tackling so we will hire someone to re-plaster/repair the ceilings at some point. There are some holes that were underneath the florescent fixture that will need to be patched as well and now it can all be done at once.
And here’s my $3.78 spray painted light fixture all installed!
I seriously go in the kitchen just to stare at it even several days later… it COMPLETELY changed the look of the room.
It’s nothing fancy, but it is pretty (and so much better than the florescent fixture!) and gives it a bit of that upscale farmhouse look I am going for. And seriously for less than $4.00? Absolutely!
Here’s a quick shot with it on. Several of you asked about the lighting and if it was the same amount of light as the fluorescent fixture. I have found that it is almost the same – a different shade of light – but still just as bright. Hard to get a good picture with the lights on.
And want a sneak peek of what’s next? This is the current view of my kitchen (just a quick cell phone shot). I joked with a few friends that I was trying to stay on trend with open shelving everywhere! I really do like open shelving and wow, has it been faster to put away dishes the last few days, but I don’t think I could do THAT much open shelving. Cabinets are halfway finished being painted!
Make sure to stay tuned for the rest of the kitchen makeover. Follow me on facebook, Instagram, or subscribe by email.
WOW!!!! Amazing!!!! I am LOVING what you’re doing in there.
With that new chandelier, I would go with the handle which is on the outermost door (on the right facing the cabinets). It’s got a great modern, sophisticated, yet warm feel to it.
There you go again! You are so good at thrifty decor!
OMG!!! wonderful,wonderful. I hope to do my kitchen someday too. What an inspiration!
Gorgeous light fixture!!!! I love how it ties in with the dark cabinet handles you are planning to use. I have also had great success spray painting shiny brass items, sure is a frugal way to update those old items that have nice shapes but just need a new color, and thrift stores tend to have lots of brass metal items. Thanks for sharing, I love your kitchen!!!!
That looks perfect in your kitchen! Good job. I tried to remove our florescent light fixture in the kitchen to do something similar – imagine our surprise when the light box was at the far end of the fixture, which means any light I put up would be all wonky out of balance in the room. Arg! Guess we’ll be hiring an electrician and doing ceiling repair, too.
Another great thrift shopping find! I love what you did with that light fixture! Absolutely beautiful and it fits so well in your kitchen! Love it!
The chandelier looks great in your kitchen and I’m also a big fan of oil rubbed bronze. My only question would be, does the chandelier provide enough light for the kitchen?
Looks great Christina! I can’t wait to start our kitchen remodel but that won’t be until the fall…yours is providing me with lots of great inspiration!! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks — I have brass colored fixtures in 2 bathrooms and have wanted to change them out or paint them but thought they may need to be sanded or something first. I think I wiill give mine a shot since your project was such a success!
Your kitchen is coming along nicely! Love all your updates!
Love the light fixture! I did the same thing with a FREE brass fixture that I got at a tag sale. (It was in the free bin!)……and just spray painted it black. It’s very similar to yours. Love your posts!
What a great find! It’s perfect for your space and the oil rubbed bronze finish looks amazing. You’re so right about those light fixtures being scarce – considered putting one in our master bathroom and haven’t seen one at thrift stores (reasonably priced) since. 🙂
Lovely! Post a pic with it turned on?
the new light looks great and the price is even better…good job…I am waiting to see what color you paint the cabinets and what knobs you will use to enhance them, I’m excited to see your finished kitchen…you go girl.
Can’t believe how much it changed your kitchen! It looks awesome! Can’t wait to see how the cabinets look when finished!! I love seeing how you have changed your kitchen on a budget. I am taking notes!! 🙂
Love the new light fixture – it really makes a difference in your kitchen! Can’t wait to see the newly painted cabinets!
i have the same problem …I have a white fixture I want to put up…but to repair ceiling I want to use those o,d fashioned square tin tiles..where do I get them?not sure how to show u picture….
Looks great! I wish my local thrift store had better prices. I priced a similar light fixture last week at $20. Lamps (tags still on) $150 each 🙁
Kinda sad when you can afford Thrift Store prices. I think I will give the lamps a month and question them.
Living room light for free .
Scrap metal find . Someone threw out and I recycled it , to put in my living room.
Posted 21st March by Katie Hall
I love it!. I have the exact same light fixture but have always wanted to change the color. What type of paint did you use? I would love to do my fixture over this weekend! Just beautiful.