This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Rubbermaid but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #FallFixUp
Fall… that season that I think every southerner longs for by the first of September and a summer long of 90+ degree temperatures. The cooler temperatures are still eluding us at this point but that doesn’t mean that the fall cleaning and fall projects can wait. I know that I usually take a look around the yard about this time of year and realize that all the spring cleaning, weeding, and new plants and mulch in the flower beds that looked so good back in April don’t look so good now. So it was time to tackle some weeds, do some pruning, and think about what needs to be stored away for fall.
That’s where these Rubbermaid Roughneck products came in from Home Depot. I had to resist the pretty fall mums at the front door as I headed to the storage aisle to see what they had to offer. I picked up a 32 gallon Rubbermaid Roughneck trashcan and a18 gallon Rubbermaid Roughneck storage tote.
I made lots of new pillows for our deck this year so I am going to need somewhere to store them away for fall and winter. I was able to fit 5 of them like this in Rubbermaid tote.
And then 2 pillows on top for a total of 7 pillows stored in this one tote! Now I can nicely stack the tote it in the garage or up on a shelf until spring.
Then I tackled some weeding and pruning. We have commercial trash service that picks up our household trash but they won’t take yard waste. So, that usually means I am bagging weeds, leaves, and yard waste into those big paper bags and then hauling them off to a transfer station. But those paper bags are such a pain – never standing up on their own, ripping when you overfill the bag, tipping over and spilling out all those leaves you just bagged, and if you leave it out and it rains the night before you plan to haul it off – oh what a mess!
I am really kicking myself for not picking up one of these trash cans sooner especially since it was less than $20.00! It is SOOO easy to move around with the handle and small wheels and so light. I can wheel it around the yard, fill with yard debris, and then put the cover on! If it isn’t full, I can put it on the side of the house or in the garage and wait until it is full to haul it off. And then when it’s full, I can easily load it in the truck or even the back of my SUV and take it to the dump. No mess! Super easy!
So come on fall leaves… I am ready for you this year!
Ready to do some fall cleaning or need some more storage of your own? Check out the Rubbermaid Roughneck products at Home Depot and maybe pick up some pretty fall mums while you are there too! .
Sharon says
I am so ready for fall and some cooler weather here in Atlanta.
Cathy says
The trash can I like is a little bit more expensive but the wheels are closer to the sides so they are easier to pull. I do love your ideas. I’m going to get a container for my outdoor pillows.