This post is part of a series – “31 days of Pinterest: Pinned to Done” You can read all the posts in this series here. And to make sure you don’t miss anything you can sign up to have every post sent to your email, follow me on facebook, or subscribe in your reader.
Today’s project was inspired by this pin from Made in a Day
I LOVE her wreath. I have been really wanting to make a burlap wreath for a long time and hers was my favorite one. Mine didn’t turn out quite as beautiful as hers but I still love it.
The one thing that prevented me from making hers (other than just my normal procrastination) was that she used burlap ribbon (or actually burlap garland) from Michael’s – 3 rolls of it! And those rolls are around $5 each. I just couldn’t justify spending $15 for the burlap alone not counting the wreath. So I waited procrastinated. Then I finally decided I was going to try it with regular burlap and cut it into strips.
I started with a 10 inch straw wreath (which I purchased from Consumer and 1 1/4 yards of natural burlap. I seriously used every scrap of burlap I had and honestly would like to add a few more rolls, so I could probably buy 1 1/2 yards to make sure you have enough. Burlap is $2.97/yard at my Walmart so would be less than $4.50 for 1 1/2 yards.
I cut my burlap into 4 inch strips and then cut the strips into 4 inch squares.
Then you roll the burlap corner to corner and secure with some hot glue. Make your rolls loose. I started making mine tighter but you don’t need as many if you make them looser and her wreath looks like her rolls were loosely rolled not tightly rolled.
Then you work on gluing your burlap rolls all around your wreath. I did one row on the back like this.
Then flipped the wreath over and bent the corners of the rolls over and glued the next row like this. Repeat this doing 4-5 rows until you get to the inside of the wreath.
This is the back of the wreath. But you can see how the last 2 rows on the front, I didn’t bend the corner under but rather glued the rolls straight down.
You honestly just have to play with it and see what works best for you. When I got it all finished, I had to go back and secure some of the rolls with hot glue higher up on them so they wouldn’t flop over.
Hopefully that all makes sense! If it doesn’t leave a comment and I will try to answer it as best as possible!
I glued a ribbon on the back and it was finished! I chose this gingham ribbon because I had it on hand and I liked the look of it with the burlap. Plus I thought it might show you how this wreath could be dressed up for Christmas without screaming Christmas too. You can use any color ribbon that you wish.
I love it! Even though it didn’t turn out looking exactly like hers (partly because of using a regular burlap instead of burlap ribbon and partly because I probably should have been more deliberate about getting my rows perfectly in line and straight too.)
Oh, and I didn’t do anything to the edges so they will fray over time. But that is ok, I like the natural look of that.
I have it on the back of my front door to show you, but I love my hydrangea wreath up there so it won’t stay here.
I can’t wait to find somewhere to use it for Christmas! I am going with a more natural theme for Christmas this year, changing my colors and décor all up (most everything I bought on clearance last year or have found at yard sales over the summer) so this will be perfect!
Have you made a burlap wreath? Or have you procrastinated on something because you didn’t want to spend the money required but then found some way to do it cheaper?
I am joining Nester from Nesting Place in writing a 31 days series in October. You can see all the other hundreds of people writing a 31 days series here.
And I am excited to have 3 blogging friends join me in the insanity! Check out their series by clicking on the buttons below.
And my sister-in-law is joining along too! Writing about their transition as they move across the country with four children.
Hi Christina,
Great Job! It looks just as good as mine!
Wow, I love this!! I think it would look great using sinamay done up for Christmas, too. I have a few packages of burlap ribbon I got from work that would probably work for this. Love it so much I’ve pinned it…hoping I don’t procrastinate too long. lol
Debbie 🙂
Hi Christina
I’ve posted about a wreath I made using your idea and I linked to you, gave you a shout-out in the post. Yes, I finally got one done. lol
Debbie 🙂
I am so happy to see this style wreath made out of something other than paper. Burlap was a great choice. I will try one soon too.
For anyone just coming across this, like myself.. You can get burlap ribbon spools at Dollar Tree. Love the look, btw. Will have to give this one a try 🙂