So we all love Pinterest right?? I know I do! It is a wonderful resource that I use to “pin” or organize ideas that I come across as I am blog reading AND it is also a great place to find ideas that others have pinned!
So this is sort of what happens when you join Pinterest:
So true! And 9 months or so after joining Pinterest, I currently have 3,734 pins. Wow! Some I have pinned strictly for blogging reference, some are recipes which I have actually tried, some are for future holiday inspiration, BUT bottom line….
I stated in my 2012 goals that I was going to do at least ONE project that I have pinned or found on Pinterest each month. Then when I was doing my January monthly goals checkup, I realized I didn’t do or post my project for January, so here is my January Pinterest project a little late…
Here’s the project I chose for this month and Pinterest says I pinned it 22 weeks ago. “Great job, Christina – way to get on that project only about 21 weeks late! ;)”
I recently simplified and organized my kitchen and I remembered this idea and thought it would work great to help with freeing up some cabinet space.
So I gathered my supplies:
- I had some large paint sticks in the garage that I cut down to the size I needed to fit on my cabinet door – FREE
- Paint brush – already had
- Paint – $0.88 at Michael’s
- 2 packs of super small cup hooks from Home Depot – $0.98 each (I had to use this small so that the screw end wouldn’t come out the back of the board. if you were using a thicker board you could probably use a little larger cup hook.)
This was a very cheap and easy project and only took about 30 minutes to do not counting paint drying time.
I sanded the paint sticks and edges smooth and put on a coat of light gray paint. And went to bed!
The next day, I measured out where I needed the cup hooks to be and marked it with the screw.
Then came installing the cup hooks. This is fairly simply since they have a screw end that is self-tapping (I think that is the right word? at least I think that is what my husband has called it before? Anyways, it is pointed so it can start the hole and assist with you screwing it in! I am not a DIY terminology expert, I just like pretty things! )
Since these hooks were so small, it was a little of a challenge to get them started but I finally did and I have the raw spot on my finger to prove it.
I labeled where each cup would hang, used a small nail on each end to secure it to the cabinet door, hung my measuring cups, and stepped back to see!
woohoo! pretty and functional!
I did the same thing for another board to hang my measuring spoons on.
If measuring cups and spoons could be cute, these would be cute!
Love the simple organization of it all.
Then because I was on a creativity roll, and since when I was looking up the pin for this post I happened across this picture from Infarrantly Creative, I decided to add measuring chart too!
I had a little magnetic measuring chart that I used to keep on the refrigerator until I banished all refrigerator clutter (need to do that again, by the way..)
So I combined that chart plus her chart into mine own, printed it out, and hung it above the measuring spoons.
So here is my finished Pinterest inspired project!
Love it! And yay for finally doing a project I pinned!
Oh, and just to keep it super real around here, lest you think that this cabinet door reflects the organization and cleanliness of my house at ALL times, let’s spin the camera lens around to the right so you can see what I see…
Hmmm… think I better go get busy on those dishes and cleaning off that counter!
So what project have YOU pinned on Pinterest that you need to get to work on?
Or maybe you are on of those super “pinners” who completes every pin a week after they pin it! If you recently did a Pinterest project, link it up in the comments so I can come “pin it” and add to my growing list of pins I need to do.
Linking up to:
Serenity Now weekend wrap up
This is a great idea! I could use the extra room in my utensil drawer, so I should definitely do this!!
I really like it. 🙂 I just need to get some cork to put behind it to cut down the noise….
It looks great! I also have this pinned, but haven’t actually done it because I was afraid it would be time-consuming or hard. You’ve made it look easy peasy!
it really is easy! and mostly free since I already had the paint sticks.
Hi! Just came across your blog via someone’s comment on FB and have been enjoying what I’ve been reading. So anyway, just wanted to show a pin that I did recently. I don’t have pictures of my own to show you, but I do have the link via Pinterest. 😀 I did these same shelves in my pantry and purged and organized it, and it looks so much better and so much easier to find what I need! I love it! I love what you did above. If I even make a point to go get more measuring cups and spoons, I think I’ll do that. (Right now I used Pampered Chef products, so I only need one of each, but have lost some of them, and don’t want to spend the money to replace them.) 😀
I have shelves like that in my pantry too! great space saver.
and I have them under the sink on the cabinet door there for saran wrap and stuff.
You’ve already seen mine but I’ll put the link here in case you forgot. 😉 bahahaha!
nope, didn’t forget! still think of it every time I look at a picture of flowers hung on my wall – LOL!
I keep thinking I’ll do this with my measuring cups, but I’ve got my cabinets jammed full I’m not sure the doors will shut.
Love the keeping it real photo!
I only did this after purging my cabinets! LOL!
What a cool idea! My wheels are turning now. I’m definitely going to implement this somehow in my kitchen because I’m so tired of digging through my utensil drawers, looking for measuring cups and spoons. Thanks for sharing!
I loved this idea and tried it, too – but, with command hooks rather than the wood strips. Works wonderfully, but you’re so right about needing cork or something sound-deadening behind them. The noise gives me a fright each time I open the cabinet door! LOL!