As you have probably realized by now, I am on a mission this year – to get my home and life in order! I have recently made a huge change from working out of the home to working at home and that has inspired me to finally strive to be the woman I have always aspired and wanted to be. You know, the one that welcomes a neighbor inside for a quick chat (and maybe even a cookie!) when they unexpectedly knock at the door (and doesn’t run and hide upstairs until they leave because you don’t have makeup on and aren’t even dressed – not that I have ever done that, of course ;) Someone who ministers with the gift of hospitality on little notice, not requiring a full day of cleaning before they can invite someone over. Someone who manages her home and time well and keeps priorities of family/home balanced with work.
In order to even start to accomplish some of those things, I have got to get my home clean, clutter-free, and organized. I am reading several books on the topic right now – The Money Saving Mom’s Budget (who deals with goals, and organization in the first 2 chapters) and Organized Simplicity. And I am gaining a lot of insight and inspiration!
So here is my plan (and if I type it out and hit publish, I HAVE to do it!) I am going to follow along with the plan Tsh sets forth in Organized Simplicity and clean and organize my home in this order:
Week one
1. Living Room
Week two
2. Kitchen – refrigerator/freezer and pantry
3. Kitchen – cabinets and counters
Week three
4. Bathroom(s)
Week four
5. Kids room (since I don’t have kids, I will be tackling my craft room – oh my, I promise some of your kids rooms are 10x’s better than MY craft room!))
Week five
6. Master bedroom/closet
7. Entryway and Coat closet
Week six
8. The paper monster/office space
I also hope to share some time-saving tips with you, and ways I am hopefully learning to simplify and gain balance (wow, that is a daunting task as I feel like I have a long way to go, but I did say learning not mastered!)
And I would love to invite you to join me! If I can get the linky tools to cooperate, I plan on having a link-up party along with each project listed above so that you can link-up your before/after pictures and progress too.
So if you are up to the challenge, get to work on your living room this week and come back on Friday to see my before and after pictures and link up yours!
If you need a little help to get started, here is the method I will be using to clean and declutter each space:
- Remove all items possible except for the furniture, rugs, and curtains.
- Do a thorough cleaning – dust, vacuum, mop, clean blinds, clean baseboards, etc.
- Then I will re-evaluate each item as I put it back – do I need it? does it belong in this room? do I like it? do I use it regularly? and is it helping me live simply? Don’t get me wrong, my room will not be bare from décor because I do love my decorations!
But I am hoping that it will look clean and fresh and lovely, while still allowing me to keep it clean in little time.
(One more thing – if you have found something that has helped you to organize, declutter, minister in hospitality, plan meals, manage your time, be a good home manager, balance life’s priorities, or anything like that –I would love to hear about it and even consider sharing your wisdom in a guest post. If you would be interested in guest posting on one of those topics or anything else – send me an email at I know some of you are probably much better in many of these areas than me and I would love to learn from you!)
love it! I am tackling the attic today
ugghhh.. didn’t add the attic on the list. It actually isn’t that bad of a mess I just need to add more flooring and then rearrange it. But not something I can do all by myself. Might hire my brother for a Saturday 🙂
Looking forward to reading the series!
thanks, Sheila!
Exciting! I need to get back to work on my attic after the Christmas stuff took over! I just feel so much more at peace when things around me are at “peace.” 🙂
I know! It is so relaxing and calming to walk into a “CLEAN” room 🙂 Come link up if you want 🙂
Woot!!! You go, girl!! I just organized my under bathroom cabinet while I was stuck in the bathroom potty training my little girl. 😉 lol!!
haha – way to maximize your time! 🙂
O – and I love your new header!!!! Esp the pic of you and your forever valentine!!
thanks! I am liking the photos but for some reason the header doesn’t look “just right” to me. But I can’t place my finger on it??
Yes, the valentine one is my favorite too! 🙂
love your new header!!