So I hope you are not getting tired of all my goal posts. It just seems that this is a theme in my life as well as others this year. I have already been working on my goals (I have read one book, working on cleaning out clutter, have found some ways to minister to my neighbors, and more!) So they seem to be working so I will keep making them.
Nester is hosting a Home Goals party and I really wanted to join in. Plus I have been wanting to make a list of some projects I want to tackle in our home in 2012 so what better way to do it then share it with you so you can help me stay accountable
Here goes – 12 things I would like to accomplish in our home this year – budget and time allowing:
1. Add a gallery wall in our entryway
Love this one from 320 Sycamore but I haven’t completely decided on frame color, size, and all the other details. But I have collected quite a good collection of yard sale frames 🙂
2. Work on our kitchen.
Definitely this year I want to paint our kitchen cabinets (just repaint them white), change out the hardware, re-install under-the-cabinet lights, and figure out what I am going to do with the two open cabinets I have – keep them and style them somehow? (need inspiration pictures!), or buy and install glass cabinet doors.
I also would LOVE to replace/paint/get rid of in any way possible 😉 our countertops and install a backsplash, but not sure that budget will allow that.
3. Re-do our 1/2 bath
Paint a little of this color
and install this
Oh my, I just saw what Beth @ Home Stories posted as inspiration for her plans to re-do her 1/2 bath. Yes, that is basically what I want except in a more gray tone.
4. Continue to spruce up the outdoors (in the spring)
- paint/re-stain the front porch
- do something about our sad mailbox
- would love to have an herb garden or some raised bed gardens like this, but not sure I will be able to tackle the added work that will bring this year.
5. Make our bedroom a sanctuary
Ughhh… this room is THE most neglected, ugliest room in the house (well, except our spare bedroom, but that is just a disorganized mess). But I WILL do something about this room THIS year.
First thing that needs to change is this:
– the 70’s have called and want their furniture back and I am HAPPY to oblige! (Guys, listen to your mom when they tell you that your future wife will HATE that black lacquer furniture that you insist on buying because they will!) I have absolutely no motivation to fix up our room around this furniture. So I will be scrimping/saving my pennies and hoping to find a deal on a bedroom set, maybe something used that I will paint and fix up.
Then I can fix this (yep, no curtains in this room – what in the world could you find to match that furniture??) and decorate the room
We also have this A-frame type wall/ceiling on both ends of the room.
I want to accent it – maybe add some molding or beam type of wainscoting?? I can’t find any inspiration pictures that are exactly what I am thinking, but something like this maybe in white on the wall.
or maybe paneling like this??
Anyone have any suggestions for this? or an inspiration picture?
6. Transform some furniture
I have this exact dresser in the garage right now just waiting for warmer painting weather.
And I plan on making it look something like this
I also have another dresser that needs to be refinished, plus I would like to refinish our kitchen table and chairs, and our guest room furniture…but let’s get real, there are only 366 days in this year and 12 are gone already.
7. Paint
- touch-up walls and trim in our house (this has not been done in a few years and I have lots of little marks that need to be covered.)
- paint our front door. It is currently burgundy and unless I want to change our shutters too, will probably be re-painted burgundy. Unless you have some other suggestions for me ?? The rest of our house is just cream vinyl siding with white trim.
8. De-clutter and simplify
That is where this series comes in. Come back tomorrow to link up on the first project – de-cluttering the living room!
9. Make our home more “us.”
Don’t get caught up in the fads of decorating, but concentrate on creating rooms and décor that my husband and I both love and that help our home function well.
10. Focus on making our home a place we can minister in the area of hospitality.
I already mentioned this in my Goals for 2012 post. But I need to get my home organized and clean and come up with a system of maintaining it so that we can have guests over at least once a month.
11. Keep our living space (downstairs) 30 minutes to company clean.
Also shared about this in our goals.
12. But most of all, learn to LOVE where we live.
Because of the economy we will not be moving any time soon, nor will be adding an addition or doing any major home renovations. So I need to learn to work with what I have, with the budget that I have, and LOVE the place God has provided for us. See Nester’s mantra on the top picture?? “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful!”
I would love to list 10 more things I want to work on in our house, but this list is already pretty long! So we will just aim for these and we can always add more if time and $ allows.
How about you? Any projects you plan on working on this year in your home?
Linking up to:
Weekend Bloggy Reading at Serenity Now
Home Goals party at Nesting Place
At least you get an extra day in February this year?!
I know! I am going to need it! 🙂
I think we could all second what you said about learning contentment in where we are at and loving it. There are always things that could be done….make that a slew of things at our house!
Recognize the raised garden bed inspiration…maybe we could get together on our plans, umkay? 😉
Yes, contentment is hard. Eventually I will get all my thoughts and struggles with it down in a blog post.
I have been wanting to garden since we moved here but our yard is not very cohesive to it. So I am not totally sure that those are going to even work but I am going to look around and see if I can find a space and then try to find the time! 🙂 Would love to share tips back and forth on them. And yes, I saw them in your post (had seen them somewhere before too) and grabbed it 🙂
I like your goals, and you inspired me to set my own house goals for 2012. Not as many or as ambitious, but I’m trying to be realistic about what I can accomplish in a year.
yay!! Coming over to check out yours now. 🙂