I am so glad yard sale season is back! It is just so much fun to find little things to turn our house into a home for super cheap.
I picked up these 2 pieces for $1 each at 2 separate yard sales. I planning on making a gallery wall – maybe 2- soon so trying to find a few pieces to mix and match with picture frames.
I had been watching these mirrors behind the counter in the nicer section at Value Village. I loved them but wasn’t going to fork out $12.99 each for them. Finally last week pink was the 1/2 price color and even though it was Friday – NO ONE had bought them yet! So I took home both of them for $12.99. They are heavy, very nice pieces and will probably find a home in my guest room.
Not sure where they came from – but are brand new with the price stickers still on the front. I think I got a deal for $6.50 each!
I just picked up 2 things from my big parking lot yard sale. A wicker stool for $1.00 and a metal wall piece for $2.00.
I couldn’t believe she said $1 when I asked how much this stool was – and I snatched it up fast!
Both of these pieces are already painted and in place in my guest room and I think I might give you a sneak peek of that next week.
Happy Yardsaling this weekend to you! Share what you find on my facebook page – I always love to see what others are finding too.
Hey Christina,
Love all of your Frugal Finds…..especially the mirrors!! Can’t wait to see how you use them! Thanks for sharing!
Have a great weekend,
Great finds!! I never look behind the counter at VV!! Great idea I will have to check it out!
Great bargains. Enjoy!