(This is a sponsored post by Central Garden & Pet. See full disclosure statement below.)
It is Spring and hopefully you are enjoying getting some yard work done. We have had some gorgeous days, and I am loving it! I need to do a post and update you on some progress in the yard but today we are going to talk about some other plants – HOUSEPLANTS!
I love houseplants almost as much I do having flowers in my yard. For one because I get to see and enjoy them a lot more since we are indoors a lot. Houseplants are a great way to add some color and life to your décor as well as a good way to keep the air in your home healthy and clean.
So when Central Garden & Pet sent me the next product they wanted me to try out, I knew exactly what I was going to do with it. Alaska Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1 is an all-purpose deodorized fish emulsion and can be used on all types of indoor and outdoor plants. Yep, it is made of fish! If you think back to what you learned in elementary school, remember how the Indians taught the Pilgrims how to catch and then add fish into the holes that they were planting their corn to make it grow better? This is the same type idea!! It contains nutrient rich fish and kelp plant food which enriches the soil, and enhances the strength and vigor of plants.
Alaska® Fish and Kelp Fertilizers are highly effective, natural organic alternatives to synthetic fertilizers. I loved that they were a NATURAL choice since I was going to using this indoors where we and our cat would be exposed to it.
Here’s my houseplants all drug outside. See, this is what I didn’t tell you. I highly neglect my houseplants . Oh, I water them once or twice a week, but other than that I don’t do anything to them. And you can definitely tell that my lack of care is taking its toll on some of them.
Here’s the smaller plants.
I love to watch at garden centers (especially Wal-mart garden center) for clearance plants. I pick up most of my plants this way.
My plants may look ok, but let’s take a closer look. Yep, this what the roots of the plant on the left look like. It had gotten tipped over and the dirt was loose so the dirt got all vacuumed up and all that was left was the root ball. Yet this plant has stayed alive and green for days weeks.
And my tropical palm tree was really starting to see better days – was starting to yellow and droop. No wonder why??
It is 2-3 years old and I have NEVER repotted it… and you can tell.
So I had some work to do with these plants before I could even start to use the Alaska Fish Fertilizer. I repotted this palm tree into a much bigger pot and gave it lots of fresh potting soil.
And I also added new soil to the other plants as well.
Then came time to water. The instructions on the Alaska Fish Fertilizer say to use 2 teaspoons per quart of water. It is a thick liquid that you pour into the water and then make sure to stir it well. And you can reapply it every few weeks.
I do have to say… this is made of FISH. And I am sure you know what fish smell like, much less DEAD fish. It in no way smelled completely like dead fish but there was a definite fishy type scent to it. But that smell went away quickly.
I made up 8-9 of those pitchers and watered all my houseplants and my outdoor potted plants with this. And I barely used any of the bottle since it is such a strong concentrate.
I have always wanted to show you how I use houseplants in my home and in my décor so today you get a peek into where I put them back into my house. And they sometimes move around my house just like other décor depending on what areas I am working on decorating or where they look best.
This little guy is on my entryway dresser on a tray right now.
This small potted plant usually stays behind my sink to add some color.
The larger peace lily is on the landing on my stairs and the smaller one is in my dining room.
This Janet Craig Dracaena plant is on my hearth right now but it usually is on a nightstand upstairs.
And this little guys is by the bathroom sink upstairs.
I am hoping that my palm tree will perk back up with his new soil and with the help of the fertilizer too.
I will definitely be using the Alaska Fish Fertilizer throughout the summer on my plants to keep them fertilized and get them back to looking nice and green and healthy. It will be really easy to just add it in to my pitcher and water my plants as normal.
I have created a Pinterest board to document all things home and garden this spring and summer. You can find that board and follow or repin from it here and even create your own Home and Garden board on Pinterest. (Share the link to your board or Pinterest profile in the comments and I will come follow you!)
Now here’s the fun part, you have the chance to win a $25 gift card! Use it to buy some houseplants to add to your home, some soil or pots to repot the ones you already have (ahem!), some fertilizer for your yard or plants, or whatever you heart desires.
Here’s how to enter:
This giveaway will be run through the Rafflecopter widget below. If you are reading this post through email or reader you will need to click here to be taken to the actual blog post to enter.
You MUST answer the question given in the widget and leave your answer in blog post comment for any entry to count – that is a MANDATORY ENTRY. Giveaway closes Thursday, May 23rd at midnight and winner will be notified.
Disclosure Statement
Central Garden & Pet partnered with bloggers such as me to help educate us all about their products. As part of this program, I received compensation. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the use of the products. Central Garden & Pet believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Central Garden & Pet’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations. A winner will be chosen by random and gift card fulfillment will be handled by a third party.
Stacey says
Wow Christina you just brought back a memory for me. My mom is the houseplant queen and I am not so much…I remember my mom using fish emulsion when I was growing up. I thought it smelled terrible but she sure was successful and still is. I’m glad you reminded me.
This year I’ve added a pothos and a few ferns in the house. So far so good. It’s so nice having something alive. Yours are beautiful!
Thanks for hosting the give away.
Christa @ BrownSugarToast says
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, actually your plants look better than mine. My method is to wait til they look droopy and then water them. yikes.
Megan says
I’ve been neglecting my houseplants! This post reminds me to finish re-potting all of them, and I will have to remember to pick up some of this fertilizer for them.
Mary Happymommy says
I actually don’t have house plants because of my son’s allergies.
Lanita says
I do have houseplants and love them. However, I’m “on again, off again” in my care of them! I’ve been shopping the clearance sections at Wal-Mart & Lowe’s and have gotten some good deals lately. My new “love” is a succulent garden…..I’ve made two so far and love them! Thanks for sharing the great tips and your houseplants!
Amy says
I love houseplants. But, you do take better care of yours! 🙂
Ashley says
I have a couple but mine are in the same shape as yours LOL 🙂
Nikki says
Wish I’d have known about this a few years ago…i killed all my houseplants : (
MaryEllen@ImperfectHomemaker says
I kill pretty much everything. I’ve been really happy lately because I have 2 of them on my windowsill that are not just alive, but blooming! This is the first time in 7 years of marriage that I’ve not killed my plants!
Elena says
I only have outdoor plants
Jessie C. says
We do not keep house plants, all plants are in the backyard and garden.
Ashley G says
Oh my goodness! Thank you for reminding me to do this. We inherited 3 huge peace lilies from my grandmother and they definitely need a little TLC. Take Care and hop over to see my lilies in our newly redone dining room!
Amanda Sakovitz says
I dont have house plants just plants in our backyard.
Wild Orchid says
I have some nice houseplants, but I have trouble trying to get my orchids to bloom.
Entered the Rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Kelly Palmer says
Thanks Christina for the houseplant tips. I noticed that you have Peace Lilies. I had 2 of them but recently found out that they are poisonous to cats and dogs so I gave them away to someone that has no pets. I didn’t know if you realized this or not and knew that you had a beautiful furry baby so wanted to pass that info along to you. Have a blessed day!
Thomas Murphy says
I don’t have any house plants
Jessica To says
I do have houseplants. I just recently started taking better care of them and they are starting to look so much better!
Cynthia says
Yes, I do. And NO, I don’t!
Ellie W says
No I don’t and it’s because they see me coming and die of fright.
kelly arent (copper roof interiors) says
Thanks for the fish fertilizer tip….I have never heard of this. I also tend to neglect my house plants…usually throw them away and buy more…it’s a vicious circle!! Gonna go get the fertilizer tho. I have been following you for awhile now…but I don’t tweet…promised myself I can not join any more social media….ha ha!!
Thanks again for posting this.
Jennifer Marie says
I do not have any house plants right now. My son got me an outdoor plant at his school for mothers day and we are trying our best to remember to water it!
Tabathia B says
No houseplants. The plants are all in the backyard
julia says
I have some type of houseplant in almost every room of the house, even if it’s just a pretty vase that holds stems of philodendron that I’m rooting. I tend to neglect them, though, expecially in the spring when I’m spending more time working on the plants outside.
Carolyn says
I have several house plants and love the restful atmosphere they add to a house. I was thinking when I saw your pictures that yours look better cared for than mine do! If you want a plant that tolerates neglect well, try a jade plant or pothos.
Cassie says
I always have very good intentions, but I must admit that I have to replace my indoor plants a couple times a year. I do okay with outside ones, for some odd reason.
Harmony B says
I do have A houseplant, would love to get more
Sandy Manning says
I’ve been needing to feed my houseplants. I have known of fish emulsion and have heard it is especially good for african violets. I need to get mine out and feed them! I enjoy your blog so much! You are so creative!
Kristy says
I don’t have houseplants. I’m afraid of failure…since I’ve tried and failed before!
stephanie says
no i dont…
joanie says
HI Christina,
I just found your blog from “Better After”. Love the dresser re-do! My houseplants woudl definitely benefit from some good fertilizer!
June says
Yes, I have a few houseplants, but my level of care for them seems to be about the same as yours! LOL 🙂
Kristen Zabrowski says
I unfortunately don’t have any indoor plants at this point, but I read an article last week about the benefits of house plants when it comes to cleaner air inside your home, especially (I have allergies, so I’ll take any help I can get in that department!) as well as the fact that they reduce stress and can even help with insomnia, congestion, and dry skin. I love greenery, so I’m glad it’s finally dawning on me that I should bring them inside too! My dad always used fish emulsion to fertilize our yard and I remember thinking it was so gross when I was younger, but there was no denying how much it helped perk up his rose bushes and fruit trees especially, and made the entire garden look super healthy. This seems like the perfect product if it’s made so the fishy scent doesn’t linger! Thanks for the post, I’ll definitely do my best to be motivated and take good care of my houseplants once I get them 🙂
barbara n says
I have several houseplants and have a difficult time while traveling keeping them alive! My neighbor does not have a green thumb but I appreciate any help she offers me
Laura Jacobson says
Oh in the past, I have not had a green thumb! I am trying again though….I just love plants in the home….so I will keep trying!
Erin says
I have lots of house plants, but my level of care is about the same as yours!
Laura says
I have one houseplant, passed on to me as it was given to my mother when I was born. I’m not sure how it stays alive, as all other plants I have taken charge of have died terrible deaths. Thanks for the tip about the fertilizer!
Ellen says
Yes, I have houseplants. I water them pretty regularly and that is about it. I don’t know how they make it, but they seem to do pretty well. I do fertilize them once in a while too.
rebecca shockley says
You brought a memory for me too, a history lesson I had forgotten about! You actually more then likely take better care of your plant’s the I do. I’m not at home sometimes for day’s and well, the plant’s have me on their dirt list, lol.
Tammy S says
We have house plants but they don’t look as healthy as yours. My husband is the one that takes care of all the plants. He waters them once a week.
tascha says
I don’t HAVE houseplants… because I KILL them. 🙂 but I wish I didn’t.
Jackie says
Well, I use sprite in my water once in awhile or epsom salt. I do tend to water a little less than I should but I only have one plant and somehow I’ve managed not to kill it for almost 6 years.
Sherri S says
I acually use just plain tap water. Once or twice a week. Thats it 🙂
Heather B. says
I love plants – both inside and outside. My houseplants get watered once a week with well water…but could use a boost! Nice post and thanks for the giveaway.
Tammy Klein says
I have lots of houseplants but most of them need to be repotted.
meredith says
I have plants, and im trying to keep them alive
Dicksi says
I struggle with house plants, too! Going to buy some fish fertilizer! I DO have good luck with African Violets, though! Thanks for the giveaway!
Barbara Montag says
I haven’t been able to keep houseplants – early death!
Maybe because I forget to water them?
Except for a spider plant – thank you.
Kiara says
I don’t have house plants.
Ruby Daniels says
I have never been able to keep house plants, really don’t have a green thumb
Danielle D says
I try to lol
Karla says
We have a golden pothos plant in our house. When we first got it, I nearly killed it, but my husband rescued it and takes care of it. Obviously I’m not good with houseplants.
Cynthia C says
I don’t get enough sun to have house plants.
Ann Fantom says
Yes, I have a few houseplants, but they are pretty rough looking!
Suzanne Lewis says
I don’t because I can’t keep them alive.
ky2here says
I have several but I’m guilty of overwatering.
ky2here at msn dot com
Margaret Smith says
Yes, I have a couple of house plants and they look terrible when I care for them. My teen son helps me out and they look great when he cares for them. I guess I don’t have a green thumb, but he does.
rich morris says
I do and they’re still alive! :). However, I’m having issues correctly pollinating my indoor lemon tree
carol says
no house plants for me
Mary Casper says
I dont have houseplants but I have porch plants
kim h says
I have a couple plants and they are VERY hard to take care of. I forget to water often
Emily says
Unfortunately I usually end up killing my house plants.
Kathleen says
no house plants because they never live lol
kport207 at gmail dot com
Adrienne Gordon says
I gave up on the as I kept killing them.
Kyl Neusch says
no plants here
Leidy says
I don’t have any house plants but I’m planning on getting some soon
alyce poalillo says
I used to have plants inside but with my current kitty family that is not an option
Robin says
We currently do not have any houseplants, all our plants are outside
Suzanne K says
I have 1 houseplant, a mini yellow rose, it’s struggling. I’ve got a green thumb, but only outside.
Sarah S says
I do have houseplants. Yours look much happier than mine do at the moment. I guess I should be a better plant mommy.
Tamar says
I killed my houseplants completely unintentionally, so probably not.
Nancy says
I have lots of houseplants……some hardy and some that take a lot of care. I also love getting the clearance plants and bringing them back to life.
Mary Calabrese says
I tend to ignore them. But my Christmas cactus is blooming!
steph says
i do have houseplants but they thrive on their own thankfully!
Stephanie Larison says
No we don’t have any houseplants. I have tried in the past, but they died off pretty quickly, lol.
Melanie Montgomery says
No, not currently.
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
I do not have any plants
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Katie K says
I do, but they are cacti so nearly impossible to kill
Krysta Houseknecht says
I have house plants, mainly succulents, which have managed to stay alive as long as I don’t over water them.
melissa Resnick says
no im the worst
Karl says
I kill houseplants or they get bugs. So I am not an indoor plant person!
Monique Rizzo says
I dont have houseplants. Never have. But I have been thinking about trying to keep one or two alive!
Thanks for the chance.
Kaelyn L. says
I currently have 2…..1 is dying…lol
Rebecca Peters says
I love house plants but I dont have any at the moment
Mia J says
I have some houseplants. Unfortunately I am not the best at keeping them alive.
Deb S says
I have several but I’m not the best fortunately my son is really good with them so between the two of us we keep them alive.
Amanda Kinder says
We don’t have houseplants because we have cats. I’m never sure which are poisonous to them.
Karrie Millheim says
I have a two now that i am desperately trying to save..lol..i wish i had the natural green thumb
Deb C says
I have only one, an English Ivy. I take fair care of it but I could do better.
Debra Hall says
yes i do but i had to re-plant all of them this week
Erin E says
I have a few, but I like to put them outdoors this time of year. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Erin E
fairyfractal at gmail dot com
brandy c says
One, and I’m terrible with it.
Kim Smith says
I don’t have any house plants. I seem to kill anything that I have ever tried to keep
Rosey says
We have house plants and I like to take care of them. 🙂
diane Baum says
Sadly, I need a class on mantaining house plants-mine usually last 2 weeks
K. Cleaver says
My indoor plants do ok for a year or two, but then they just look horrible. I guess I don’t do a great job taking care of them. I have one that was ready to be thrown out a month ago, but instead I set it out in the rain twice and it really came back to life.
Michelle W says
I used to but my cats have killed them all, wish I could have plants in my home
Aubrey says
no I don’t I killed it
Starr Greenwell says
I only have one, I would love tons; however, I don’t have enough light.
Susan Smith says
I don’t do well with houseplants.
Geoff K says
I don’t have any houseplants at the moment — our place doesn’t get enough sunlight to keep them alive, so I’m on the hunt for low-light plants that can survive!
Denise Donaldson says
I dont have house plants, but my sister does.
Jennifer says
I have one succulent that was a gift. I’m trying my hardest to keep it alive, which shouldn’t be difficult since it doesn’t need to be watered much.
Christine says
don’t have house plants
Leslie L. Stanziani says
I have one houseplant left but need to take better care of it.
Stacy says
I love plants. I have several houseplants but I like my garden plants better and take better care of them.
Pauline M says
I’ve given up on houseplants, however, I do love my window block herb garden!
Jimmy says
I don’t have any houseplants
Kelly Ann T. says
I have many house plants and some have been with me for 17 years.
dani marie says
last one i had died a tragic death. 🙁
Sarah L says
I don’t have many, but my spider plant is very happy.
Thanks for the contest.
Angela Nichols says
I have a black thumb, so to speak. Unless my husband takes care of it then it is dead.
Patrice says
I have a lot of houseplants, but I don’t take as good care of them as I should. I need to water them more often and they haven’t been fertilized in years.
Crystal F says
I do not have any and I would not be able to take better care of them. I have black thumb as big as Texas. lol Thank you!
Webb W says
We have houseplants, they could use more attention from us and less from the 2 year old who likes to water them frequently with his leftover drinks
susan smoaks says
i do have a few houseplants and i try to take care of them but my husband has the green thumb so he takes the best care of them!
Sherry Conrad says
We have a few- my daughter killed an air plant if that tells you what kind of caretakers we are. 😉
Terry Cross says
I don’t have houseplants because I usually kill them
Shannon says
I don’t have any of my own, I like to think I’d take care of them well though.
McKim says
I have several houseplants, and also several plants at my office. I water them all once a week, and trim them back every six months or so and that’s it!
Sandra Travis says
I have several house plants and am amazed that I can neglect them and they still live. I look for new/different plants when i go out.
Claire McKeon says
I have one houseplant. It survives because I forget about it, lol. When I focus they die!
Sharon says
I try to stick to the hardiest houseplants since going back to school. I have found that once you find the right spot ( by that I mean lighting, humidity and temp) in your house for each plant, that it makes all the difference in the world! My Mom used this fish emulsion and had good results too ! Your plants look great! 🙂 Thank You!
Michelle C says
I do not have any houseplants. I hoping to get a few this summer.
Laura Unger says
I have two houseplants, but only because they don’t seem to mind when I don’t water them. I’m horrible at keeping plants alive, but I do enjoy them!
rafflecopter name: Laura Proctor Unger
Kenny F says
Sand says
No, I only have plants outdoors.
Trisha McKee says
It is so funny because we were just discussing this- I have houseplants, but only in one room of the house and that is my dining room. For some reason, that is the magic plant room. Cannot keep plants alive in any other room, but in the dining room, they thrive! In fact, I have to trim the one plant because it grows so fast, I actually wind it over the window railing and across the wall shelf.
Pam Schad says
I love houseplants, but I don’t have a green thumb. I keep trying and one day I hope to have beautiful plants.
Bryan E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…my wife & I have a kitchen full of houseplants that get TLC !
Alfred Reyes says
Just thought about it… I don’t have any in my home, but I have three beautiful plants that students have given me in my classroom.
Orlando Landscaping says
Hi Christina,
Great post and wonderful tips and instructions on caring for your plants. They look great now that you’ve shown them some TLC and I’m sure they’re thriving with the extra nutrients (and attention!) Nice post!
Tacoma Sprinkler says
I like the way you use the plants in decorating your house. It gives color and life Have you ever heard of plants that repel mosquitoes? I just saw it in my friend’s house. And I checked your Pinterest board and I loved it! Thanks for sharing this.
kathi says
Hi Christina, I am new to your page. I’ve been wanting to start a few houseplants, it’s been years since I’ve had some inside. You’ve motivated me to go pick a couple of plants with some pretty plants and get started. You sure took me back with your fish emulsion. My mom and I both used it and boy did it work great. Looking forward to following you and getting some more fun ideas.