I have been taking a break from my weekly Friday Frugal Finds post since the end of September. For one, because in October I blogged every day with my 31 days of Pinterest series and then came November and December with many holiday themed posts and just the busyness of the holidays.
Plus, if you can believe it – I don’t think I have stepped in Goodwill since October, I have only made once a month visits to Value Village, and I haven’t even shopped my favorite parking lot yard sale since late October. I needed a break! But I am itching to get back at it and will especially be ready once we start having warm weather (we had 70 degree temperatures last week and I am sure will be warm by mid February here in GA!)
And can I just say I am so glad you enjoy these posts!! I asked on facebook this week if you wanted me to stop doing them all together or do them only monthly or just post a picture on facebook and the unanimous vote was you want them every week (or as often as I have something to share! ) The weekly posts may be a little sporatic since I don’t know that I will be thrifting/yard saling every week quite yet but I will share when I do find something. And I also might pop in with some fun clearance finds that I find too.
So here is what I found at Value Village last week.
A Boggle Jr. letters game for 80¢. My nieces have enjoyed playing this game
And a set of pretty yellow springy placemats.
They were priced 89¢ each but orange tags were 1/2 off so I got them for 44¢ and 45¢ each.
And I couldn’t resist this outfit for church that I was able to match together for my cute little nephew. The orange tags were 1/2 off so it was about $4 for the entire outfit – Gap shirt, Old Navy pants.
So there’s my finds from my first trip after Christmas. I am actually thinking I may stop by my parking lot yard sale (it goes on year round) on Saturday – excited!!
Have you found anything recently at yard sales or thrift stores?
Love the outfit for your nephew. So cute and such a great price!
Nice finds!! love the yellow placemats!
BUT, I’m not quite ready for spring yet!!
I just found your blog yesterday and it has been added to my favorites. I look forward to checking your blog daily during my afternoon 15 minute break from life :). Thank you for your time, effort and deddication. So thankful I found The Frugal Homemaker!!
Oh my goodness! I LOVE the placemats! Any chance you would sell them to me? :o)
I could pay you 3 times what you paid through PayPal. :o)
Love your blog!!!
Dear Christina,
I have been following your blog and just love the things you put together and create such warm and wonderful outcomes. You have inspired me to do some projects again, and reinvent my thinking to save some money and feel like I am more “repurposed.” So you have already touched the heart of another fellow crafter, and reminded me that there is always HOPE for some beauty in the midst of winter – here in the Pacific NW. Thanks Christina! Have fun at your blogger’s conference. God Bless! MEP
Yay, I’m glad your Frugal Friday posts are back! I’ve always looked forward to these. =)
LOVE your thrifting posts, so I”m happy to see they’re back! I just last week was reading a new (new to me) blog of a DIY’er and one of the things she made were some CUTE pillows for her couch…from those SAME PLACEMENTS you just found! Great minds…LOL!