One of my blogging goals this year to myself was to write a few more personal posts… to open my heart and share it out loud with you, my readers. Today is one of those posts (warning: you may want to grab a kleenex.)
Let me introduce you to two special people today…
This is my husband’s parents – my father-in-law and mother-in-law.
You see on the day that I said “I DO”, I gained more than a husband…
I gained a family…
A family that 10+ years later I have come to love dearly and that I know love me.
and have come to realize this
Even if there is technically an “in-law” title attached to the name, they have become my mom and dad, a sister and a brother.
My father-in-law has been battling cancer for over a year now… but his battle is quickly coming to an end. He won’t have a cancer-filled body much longer, instead he will have a perfect body and be walking down the streets of gold. And while our hearts hurt, we ask why – why him?, we hate that dreaded disease called cancer that seems to affect so many around us and now directly affects our family… we know that we don’t mourn for him… we mourn for us, for what we will lose here on earth.
I am thankful that there is the promise of heaven for those that have trusted in Christ… that there will be a day that God wipes all tears away… a day when cancer claims its last victim… when it will be my turn to meet the Saviour who died for me.
But until then… until “Dad” leaves this earth, we will be spending every minute possible at his side. Making him comfortable, listening to the funny things he says, listening as he talks of days past, and tucking memories away for later.
I am not waiting to say all the wonderful things you say about those you loved, about how much they meant to you, until after he is gone… I am saying them now. He will get his Valentine card a week early, but I don’t think he will mind.
Because I am so thankful for the man that gave me the man I love and I want him to know that he leaves a legacy behind that I am blessed to call mine. I will be forever thankful for the way he taught his son to love his future wife by the way he loved his wife, for instilling in his son a tremendous work ethic, for the way he taught his son to be a gentleman, for teaching his son to be a man of character, ethics, and a honest and gentle and caring man … and for loving me, worrying about me, and caring for me like the daughter he never had.
So take a minute to tell someone you love how much you appreciate them, what you appreciate them for, and hug your husband/wife/mom/dad/kids a little tighter tonight. Don’t wait…
I won’t be around much on the blog for the next week or two except maybe popping in on facebook for a quick second… I think you will understand. The decorating and organizing can wait…
I’m so sorry. I’ll be thinking about you and your family. Sending hugs and prayers.
Beautiful. May you find peace and strength in our Lord.
Love you so much! Praying for your sweet family! Wonderful post from your heart!
love and prayers for you and hubby
Thank you so much for sharing. I can relate, as we watched my father (in law) stretch his wings this past September. Is never easy, but you’re doing the right thing. Make More memories and get all the laughs you can. Your family is in our prayers?
Praying for you and your family during this difficult time. I lost my Dad to concer 7 years ago, so I know what you are going through. Thank you for sharing the beautiful post/pictures of your father-in-law and your heart….it was beautiful.
Christina and David, We’ve been praying for all of you and for the Lord’s strength during this difficult time. Heaven will be such a special Homecoming with no more sorrow or pain! We love you!
Prayers for your family, Christina! How ironic is it that my planned post for today is called “I Wish I Had Said Goodbye”? So glad you have the chance to express your love before your father-in-law goes to heaven!
My heart is breaking for you guys. Please know that you have been and still are in our prayers. Thank you for the reminder to make every moment count. Love you, friend.
Love you and praying for you, sweet friend.
I lost my mom to cancer in 1994. She had breast,then renal, and then brain. I was so overwhelmed that I could only say “I love you” over and over again. What I learned and what you have so sweetly put in your blog, was to stop everything else as much as possible, to take their hands and tell them just how very much they mean to you and how much joy they have brought to your life. Laugh and cry …but let them know.
In Christ,
Having women like you come into our sons lives, is what makes it easier when it’s time to walk those streets of gold. I’m quite sure the thankfulness works both ways in this case.
God bless you! My prayers are with you.
Sending prayers, Christina. God is perfectly good. What a great comfort knowing because of our Savior you will only be saying “see you later”. God blrss you and your family.
Prayers have been sent up. What a beautiful, though sad, post.
Prayers and hugs to you now. Hurting with you and beginning to walk this road with my own father in law. I hope that you enjoy some really special memories in the coming days. They will do wonders to comfort you later. ((big hug))
GOD bless you and your family!
Thinking of you from the UK. God bless. X
Christina, that was so beautifully written. A true honor and tribute to Bob. Blessings to you and your family. I love you.
I’m so sorry. Of my husband’s and my parents, we lost his Dad first. Both of his are now in heaven. I loved my in-laws too. They were wonderful people. This is a hard time for you guys and I pray for a merciful passing and that the Lord would give you all many sweet moments together and heal your hearts going forward. You may not understand this now, but when we and my husband’s siblings were in the hospital for the last couple days of her life, we had some actually funny moments together. His Mom wasn’t conscious, but we knew she would have laughed at the funny thing that had happened. It seems a little weird but those days of us being together, were very precious. Your mother-in-law will need all of you during this time and as you go forward. May the Lord richly comfort, strengthen and bless your family at this difficult time.
Christina, I visit your blog all the time. I have you on my side bar on my own blog so I don’t forget to pop over. I think this may be the first comment though. Thanks for sharing your heart. To me it makes the best posts. Prayers for you and your family. I lost my dad a year ago and it is so hard but my hope is in Jesus and as you said “for only a little while.” Our loved ones and eternity awaits. Praise God for such hope.
I’m so sorry that your family is going through this, and thank you for opening and sharing with us. You and your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m so sorry that you and your husband are going through this. I pray that you will find strength during this very difficult time. I haven’t lost a parent or an in-law yet, but several years ago I sat by my grandfather’s bedside and was with him when he passed. It’s always heartbreaking to lose someone you love, but it’s comforting to know that we will be with them again someday. I have faith that he will be waiting for you in a beautiful, happy place where he will feel no more pain. Hugs to you, Christina!
Christina, I am praying for you and your family through this sad and terrible time. I am so thankful he is a Christian. I watched my Dad die from Alzheimer’s and cancer a year and a half ago. My Father also walks the streets of gold now and one day I will see him again. I know our Saviour Jesus will comfort you and your family.
I’m so sorry for you losing a wonderful FIL. I’m sending a prayer that your family will find peace at this time. Knowing Christ and knowing you will meet your FIL again is reassuring. Death is always hard. Thank God it IS only a temporary separation. My folks are 90 and 93, and I know I will not have them much longer. God bless you and your family.
You and your family are in my heart and in my prayers. I can tell you from recent experience that you will cherish this time that you put he world to the side and devote to your father-in-law. We found out my dad had cancer on May 9th and he passed on June 4th. I spent every one of those days with him & I am grateful for them every day. They are something that no one can ever take from me.
May your time together be blessed beyond measure.
I will be praying for you and your family Christina!!
What a blessing and a beautiful tribute. Enjoy every moment…they pass oh too quickly…until the day we all meet in heaven…
So sorry to hear! God Bless him and all of you!
God Bless you and your famiy during this time. Peace be with you.
So sorry to hear of what you and your family are going through. Prayers are with you!
Oh, Christina, I’m so sorry to hear this news. Life just seems so unfair sometimes, but we know that God has the big picture in mind, even when we do not. I pray that your family finds peace and comfort in Him during this difficult time and I know you will. Hugs, girl! You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for sharing your story. God is already using it to accomplish His kingdom work. So thankful this life is not the end, it is a stepping stone on our way home for those of us who have placed our trust in Jesus and what He willingly and lovingly sacrificed at Calvary. Our know so hope is what keeps us going, even during heartbreak. Prayers, love and a huge hug to you and all the family.