If you are new here I just got done writing a 31 days series entitled – “31 days of Pinterest: Pinned to Done”. You can find a link to all 31 posts in this post.
I thought it would be fun to share…
1. I LOVE Pinterest!
I really truly do! I love the inspiration I can find there. I love how I can organize projects that I want to do, recipes I want to try, favorite blogs posts I have read and more in one easy spot.
2. BUT I am going to approach pinning (and re-pinning) on Pinterest a little bit different.
Being a blogger I use Pinterest in a few ways – a. to pin things I love and want to do or that inspire me for a room or project in our home, b. to pin things that I think my readers/followers will love and that I might want to reference in a blog post, c. to share my own projects with the Pinterest world. If I was just the average Pinterest user, my approach to Pinterest would change. I wouldn’t just go crazy pinning everything pretty unless I really LOVED it and planned on doing that project or it was inspiration for a room, mantel, tablescape, holiday décor, etc. I think I will be a little more selective with my personal pins from here on out.
3. I enjoy crafting… but not 31 days in a row.
I really do enjoy creating and crafting. But at about day 20, I was DONE with crafting Crafting is a lot of fun and do enjoy it, but I enjoy doing it spread out among other things.
4. I need to branch out and try new recipes (from Pinterest, things I have already pinned, or recipes in magazines) more often.
I really enjoyed doing that this month and I need to do it more often. Maybe once a week or every other week? Quite a few of the recipes that I tried are printed and in our “Family Recipes” cookbook.
5. I work well under pressure am a procrastinator
I could say I work well under pressure or under a time crunch and 90% of the time I do, but the truth is I just procrastinate. I knew I was going to do this Pinterest series at some point during the summer and had every intention to have several projects completed, and even the first week of blog posts written so that I could take my time and not HAVE to do a project every single day. Well on day 1, I had 2 projects completed and NO posts written. Many times I was crafting late at night, then taking pictures in the morning to post that same day just to start the cycle over again a few hours later. I have got to figure out how to become a better “work ahead person”. This doesn’t just apply to just blogging – in life in general! Anyone a recovering procrastinator – got any tips for me??
6. I love having new things in my home that I created.
One of the best parts of the series for me was… I now get to enjoy 31 new projects in my home! New wreaths, new décor, new family favorite recipes, new organizational methods, and more! I will always remember this series because of that.
7. Consistency and a lot of hard work grows your blog like nothing else can.
Posting for 31 days in a row and participating/linking up in Nester’s 31 day series can be a great way to gain lots of new followers and grow your blog. Don’t get me wrong – it is a LOT of hard work! I already knew that from writing my 31 day series last year but I also knew what great way it is to share my blog with others. I am also the type person that if I commit that I am going to do something like this I will follow through with it even if it means late nights, missed sleep, blogging while I have a stomach virus, hot glue burns, and more. (I am still catching up on cleaning house, folding laundry, conquering the paper monster, and reading other blog posts I missed during those 31 days.) So if you are trying to grow your blog, consider participating in Nester’s 31 days series next year. Or just post consistently (M,W,F) or whatever you want as your schedule on your blog. It really does work.
8. If you are going to do 31 days of Pinterest projects stock up on hot glue sticks!
I went through 2 whole bags of glue sticks!
9. I could easily do 31 MORE days of Pinterest and still have things left on my boards I want to do.
I know several of you have said, why I don’t just continue and do 30 more days in November?? Sorry, guys, I need a break! But maybe next year or like I said above, I might incorporate a Pinterest project a month or a week or something like that into my 2013 blogging goals.
10. I am thankful for my readers!
It would have certainly NOT been fun at all to create 31 projects all by myself and not have anyone to share them with. Writing a 31 days series is not complete without YOU reading it! Especially when I didn’t feel like continuing (on day 12, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29) or had a lot going on in life – your comments, getting new followers, comments on facebook, and pins on Pinterest kept me going. Blogging is no fun without my readers! So thank you!
Did you learn anything during my 31 days of Pinterest series? Any projects you plan to try?
What an accomplishment. 🙂 I use Pinterest every other week for meal planning. It’s really gotten me to try a lot of new ideas.
thanks, Megan! gotta love Pinterest!
I now know what it takes to blog, and doing 31 days in a row is quite intimidating. I can’t even get 3 posts up in a week. Congrats on completing your goal and we’re all the better for it! I’m definitely going to do the sweater and maybe the envelope pillow covers for the holiday season. Then maybe redo them for spring/summer? Oh the possibilities!
yes, lots of possibilities! I am ready to redo my pillows for Christmas 🙂 hope to have a pile of pillow covers eventually that I can change out when I want and seasonally. make sure to post yours if you do them! 🙂
I’ve become more selective with my pins, too. I still have plenty (lol), but I make sure it’s worth my time to pin it. I also make sure that the pin always follows through! There’s nothing like a big series to motivate you! I was thankful to check off chocolate recipes in the same way.
loved your series, Kristen! think I missed the last few days – need to go check those out. still recovering from mine 🙂
yes, I still have plenty of Pinterest pins too 🙂