So since my mantel was now all decorated for Valentine’s, my front door was getting a little jealous. He has been bare and lonely since Christmas too.
I had wanted to try to make something new and I thought about doing something for Valentine’s but lacked inspiration and time. So I just resorted to the wreath idea I used last year since I had really liked it.
Last year, I bought a real evergreen wreath for Christmas the first time – I paid $2.00 for it at Lowe’s with a coupon and it lasted almost 3 months! Here’s last year’s real wreath adorned with some Christmas balls and berries.
When Christmas was over last year, it was still looking good and green. So I sprayed it with some “snow in a can”, hung a white berry wreath in front, and added a silver bow. This wreath lasted until the end of February!
I didn’t have a real wreath this year, but I did have this bare, faux, evergreen wreath in my stash probably bought on clearance one year after Christmas.
And I had a can of Santa Snow or “snow in a can” that I got on after-Christmas clearance at Wal-mart for 19¢ or something like that
So I sprayed the wreath down really well. (The Santa snow is sort of messy even after it dries – it sort of flakes off. And if you are coating something like this, it will take quite a while for it to dry. It is much better to do light coats, letting them dry in between. Or maybe just even use some white spray paint )
I hung the same white berry wreath (gotten at a yard sale last year – I LOVE this wreath!) on the front, tucked in a few pinecones, added a silver bow, and called it DONE! The faux wreath is not as pretty, big, or full as last years real evergreen wreath but it doesn’t look bad.
Yay! Now my door is not bare anymore. And I decorated it for less than 19¢ , even better
How about you? What do you decorate your door with in the time between Christmas and spring?
Christina, all your wreaths are gorgeous! You have such a knack for decorating. xx
Thanks, Wendy! I do enjoy it 😉
Beautiful wreath!! A nice spot to greet you as you come home. 🙂
thanks, Renee! it was fun for my nieces to notice when they came that day too. 🙂 Love having girls to compliment and notice decor changes I make – LOL! 🙂 Don’t think hubby has noticed 😉
A little late here – but was perusing. I like how you adjusted your wreaths to last all winter long! Great idea!!