This week the space on our simplify project was the bathroom – specifically bathroom cabinets and drawers.
I have cleaned out my cabinets in the last few months so they weren’t that bad. But they could always use some re-organization and cleaning 🙂
Here’s before/after pictures of the drawers and cabinets.
My drawer
My under sink cabinet
My other drawer
Hubby’s drawer (why is his “before” better than mine?? 🙂
Hubby’s under sink cabinet
I wish I had better pictures of how bad the bathroom looked before. Here’s a zoomed in picture of the baseboards.
Because of the humidity, hair products, etc. our bathroom is always dusty and the floors get a lot of build up on them. And the baseboards looked horrible! I had tried to scrub them multiple times with a sponge, but nothing would come clean, so just thought I would paint them later. Well, I was doing a pretty extensive cleaning and tried scrubbing one with a toothbrush. To my amazement, it came 90% clean! So much better!
Of course that meant I had to scrub the entire bathroom baseboards with a toothbrush, along with cleaning the tub, shower, toilet, sinks, and scrubbing the floor. 3 hours later, my bathroom was clean!
So much better!
You can see the tub and shower in the background. Then there is a little room with the toilet, and our master closet is through the doorway you can see in the bottom left of the picture.
One day, you’ll get a tour of my whole house room-by-room! Maybe when I get it all clean.
How about you? Did you do any bathroom cleaning or cabinet/drawers organization?
If so link it up below.
Our bathroom gets that buildup on the baseboards too. I need to try your toothbrush trick! Do you keep the paper towels in there for quick access for cleaning?
haha – I think it us curly-headed girls and all our hairspray 🙂
I find the only cleaner that gets the hairspray off the floor is Scrubbing Bubbles. What do you use?
and yes, the paper towels are for quick mirror cleaning. 🙂 might be moving cleaning supplies to the laundry room but need to build a shelf first. amazed at all the little stuff people are seeing in my cabinets/drawers 😉
Oh, and the buildup… the floor gets bad too. Think it is the too much hairspray/curly headed girl problem we have – LOL! 🙂
Brilliant job! Clean bathrooms look so good! xx
yes, they do! 🙂
I would try a magic eraser on the rest of the baseboards. And it does a good job on the bottom of the shower.
didn’t even think about that! thanks! 🙂 I will try that next time.
I’ve been meaning to say a great big THANKS for posting this! My baseboards and bathroom floors have that build up too, and I’m always thinking thta I’m the only one that has this problem!! Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone!! : )
haha! nope you aren’t the only one. My floors have it too, I just always scrub them (hands and knees 🙁 with scrubbing bubbles. I think it is us curly headed girls that use too much hairspray – lol!