I hope you document progress on your house even if you don’t write a blog. Maybe do a house tour – just taking pictures with your cell phone each year at beginning or during the summer. It is fun to look back and see the changes, because sometimes the biggest changes are gradual changes that make a BIG impact when done.
Just in case you missed any of the things I shared here in the blog in the last 2 months, here they are:
My master bathroom got a complete makeover from paint, some fun subtle stripes, a DIY framed in mirror, a Goodwill hack curtain, and some IKEA shelves – I shared the full before/after plus sources for everything in this post.
I did a few posts on how I save money in other areas of life besides home décor. I shared lots of tips to help you save on groceries and no it isn’t just by clipping coupons either.
I met up with some Atlanta bloggers and took a tour and did some shopping at a new Atlanta Habitat for Humanity Restore. If you have never been in a Habit Restore – you need to find the one near you and go! It is like a thrift store for home building supplies and more. I came home with some fun finds too.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is about paint colors in our home. So I rounded up all the current and past paint colors in our home and shared them all in this post.
I love to shop but I also love to save money – did you know you can do both!? I shared my favorite shopping apps that help me save money in this post.
As I have been repainting our house, I have been removing all the drywall anchors used to hang things, patching the walls, and replacing them with this amazing picture hangar – The Amazing Monkey Hook! Details in this post.
I got a lot done in our master bedroom in the last 2 months and it is almost done! I found some curtains I loved but they were way out of my price range – so I DIY’d some that I love even more for $5 a panel.
I also turned this weird, awkward corner nook in our room into a built in bookshelf and I am in LOVE with how it turned out! That wallpaper on the back is the finishing touch too.
I took just about everything off my front porch and gave it all a coat of spray paint to refresh it for spring. You won’t believe the before/after pictures.
And I added a beautiful Mohawk bound carpet in my master bedroom to finish off the month.
So what’s my plan for May?
I am so happy to put the month of April filled with TONS of rain behind us. This first week of May looks very promising!
So I think April showers will bring May projects around here. Here’s a sneak peek at my yard sale haul from Saturday (detailed pictures coming in Friday’s post). I hope to get all of this painted plus 2 dressers I already had in process this week. So look for lots of before/after posts and projects in the coming weeks!
I also would love to tackle painting my kitchen cabinets this month – but we shall see!
What projects do you have in the works? Is the weather near you cooperating for you to get projects done?
WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!
I’ve followed that Master Bedroom makeover from the moment you said – “I’m embarassed to show this”. It’s stunning!!! Great job! Have you ever added the total cost in the end?