This post is part of a series – “5 weeks to an Organized Home.” You can see all the posts in this series by clicking here. And to make sure you don’t miss any posts you can sign up to have every post sent to your email or follow me on facebook.
So yesterday I showed the ugly before and the much better after pictures of MY pantry and shared 10 simple steps to an organized pantry.
But it isn’t anything spectacular, so I thought today I might show you some inspiring, pretty, and organized pantries. Why not pick a favorite and tell me which one you like in the comments? Or pick out a dream pantry for fun!
I love how she painted chalkboard inside her pantry doors to keep inventory, make a grocery list, write down her menu… And I love the EAT letters over the pantry too. When I repaint my kitchen, I may move mine!
I LOVE this pantry from Domestic Imperfection. I love how she stenciled the walls, love how it is organized and how clean it looks. It looks to be just a big wider than mine but the same basic shape so this totally gives me inspiration for mine.
But wait, I have to show you one more picture of hers. Which I think is my favorite part!
I will let you click over to post to get all the details, but let’s just say I have a gift card for that has been burning a hole in my pocket for several months and I think I just found what I want to buy with it!
I love how she organized her pantry with baskets and bins – so big and spacious!
And this pantry from Blooming Hydrangea is another one of my favorites. Love the gray and white, love the stenciling, and love the apron hung a hook on the door – my goal to do too!
Love this pantry all organized with baskets and cute chalkboard labels.
I think House of Smiths was actually the one that sort of launched the “stencil your pantry walls movement” – I am inspired by her pantry too!
Once again, love the baskets in this pantry! I keep my eye out at every yard sale and thrift store I go to and pick up any nice, big, square baskets! I found quite a few this past summer and have since put every one to use as I have been working on reorganized my house this month.
Love how she sort of “decorated” the top shelf of her pantry by storing larger serving pieces – makes it looks pretty, yet be functional as well. That is my motto – functional beauty!
I think these pantry glass doors from Tracy from Beneath My Heart’s remodeled kitchen are so pretty! Definitely a motivation to keep it cleaned and organized!. I love the light too.
Of if only it could be this clean and empty! Actually I don’t think I could ever do it! I am not a minimalist and would find other things to store in there!
Want some free labels to help organize your pantry? World Label has a whole set of templates in black and teal for flour/sugar and for spices too. And a bunch of blank ones so you can customize your own.
And here’s one last one – I will call this my dream pantry! One day I would love to have a walk in pantry – not huge just a square/rectangular shape that you could walk in a few steps and be surround with shelves on 3 sides. I could store small appliances (toaster, crockpot, etc.) in there along with extra serving pieces like cake plates, large bowls, extra plates, etc. We all love to dream right?
What would your dream pantry look like?
I absolutely love this post! We are turning an closet into a pantry and this has so many wonderful idea! I love Decor and the Dog’s chalkboard panels, I’m definitely doing that one. Domestic Imperfection’s is how I’d love to do ours, with a side area to store the broom. I love the pencil holders on the side for small jars too. But then, House of Smith’s pantry is awesome, I love the corner shelf idea. I’ve been to all their sites and pinned, now to show my husband the inspiration photos. Thanks so much!
Debbie 🙂