This post is part of a series – “31 days of Fall Inspiration” You can read all the posts in this series here. And to make sure you don’t miss anything you can sign up to have every post sent to your emailor follow me on facebook.
Excited to share my fall front porch with you today! Thought I should share my small, simple fall front porch before I do a fall front porch inspiration post cause they will totally blow me away. One day, I would love to have a centered front door with mums and pumpkins on the steps leading up to it and huge corn stalks tied to the posts, and a gorgeous fall wreath on the door. BUT, until then I have done a few things in the last year or so to make my front porch more cozy and give it a welcoming feeling and I am happy with it.
I added the bench last spring and that has so helped define this space, make it feel homey and cozy, and give us seating that we use very often.
The porch isn’t too different as last year’s fall porch – I still used my yard sale wagon wheel flower planter filled with some small mums.
*Tip – I plant these mums after the season is over in a flower garden in my yard and they usually come back each year! I have 2 HUGE, gorgeous mums full of blooms right now in one of my gardens and a couple in pots that bloomed during the summer all from last year’s fall mums. So reuse and recycle those mums!
I did add some more to this area of my porch and it is because I found some fun finds at yard sales and thrift stores this past year! The big pumpkin sign was a yard sale find – paid $5 for it and 2 boxes of fall garlands and picks. And the bench was a $2 Value Village find that I haven’t refinished/recovered yet so I decided to use out here for now.
I had wanted to find some apple baskets this year for fall decorating and found this big one at a local hardware store on clearance. Filled with a big golden mum and a burlap bow tied around it is perfect!
The lantern has a battery/timer operated candle in it that comes on for a few hours every evening – fun to come home to candlelight!
Only thing I bought new (except for the pumpkin and mums) was this rug. I loved it and will enjoy using it each year!
My last minute fall wreath is still on the door and who knows, it may remain there permanently this season. I am enjoying it more and more.
What is your favorite color of mums? I think mine is these golden ones, but honestly I love them all.
On the bench I added some pillows in fall colors – all thrift store finds. And I showed you earlier how I made the no-sew fall subway art pillow from a towel.
Our porch may be small – but I enjoy decorating it and making it feel as welcoming as possible!
Happy Fall and Happy Friday!
Linking this post up with Nester for her annual 31 days series in October. I have several other blog friends that are joining me writing for 31 days too – check out their blogs and topics by clicking on the buttons below.
I love your style! I am clueless when it comes to decorating. I just have a few random plants on my little apartment balcony. I do have a mum plant in a deep purple jewel-like color that I love and a fall wreath on my front door but that is about the extent of my “fall-decor”.
Love it all!
Love that wagon wheel planter…always have. Your porch looks beautiful as always. Great job!
i’m a pottery supplier in Vietnam and i think it’s very nice.I love it <3
Your front porch looks beautiful in all of its fall glory. Your mums are great and I love the bushels. Great accents too!
All so very pretty! Love it!