I had another good yard sale shopping weekend last week. (Notice that the thrift store finds have decreased as the yard sale finds have increased. Once yard sales are in abundance, I find my trips to thrift stores getting scarce.)
I actually found all of these finds on FRIDAY at a couple good sales. Friday sales (and even Thursday sales) are pretty popular here – are they popular where you live?
I have been wanting a small/med. basket to have in my laundry room to corral the next load of clothes to be washed and this one was perfect. Paid $2 for it.
Also loved this basket for $1. It is a nice med./large sized basket too. I can’t get enough baskets! Love them and use them everywhere and for everything!
And 2 more baskets! Loved these square ones – think they may be put to use organizing some things in my closet. She had $2 on each one but I gave her $3 for both of them.
Paid $2.00 for everything below. I think I was shopping someone’s “hoard” or collection of 20+ years. She had TONS of salt/pepper shakers and tons of glassware. FireKing jadeite dishes are super popular and for 35¢ each, I couldn’t pass them up.
I loved these vintage salt/pepper shakers. They reminded me of vintage ball jars with their lids.
Also picked up this coach sash/tie for 50¢. GREAT deal
Fall wreath for $1.00
That still has the price tag on it.
Picked this up at a estate sale for $5.00. I loved the vintage look of it – almost looks like an old cash register.
It is actually an old paycheck printing machine.
I have tried to do some research on it. Found some on eBay that come close and they either sell for $20 or $300. If I find out it is the $300 one, I will probably be selling it. I really do love it but would love a couple hundred $$’s more 🙂
So that’s my finds! Now let’s check out some of the finds that were linked up to the party last week:
Cheryl found some great stuff for awesome prices! She got everything pictures below for under $7.00! You have to click over to her blog and see what she did with that chandelier – love it!
Renee took a thrift store dresser and turned it into a buffet for some much needed storage in her kitchen. Love that bright pop of color and how the piece is functional too.
Cari shopped the 90 mile yard sale in North GA (How did I not know about this???) and found some fun finds. This chair was $10 and she has a bunch of other finds on her blog.
Now it’s your turn. Would love to see your yard sale, thrift store finds or something you found and gave a makeover.
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I was able to get out to yard sales for the first time last week! My little girl needed some clothes, and I hit the mother lode! Bins and bins full of name brands at 5 for $1! And I also got and entire bag of potty training pants (11 of them) for $3! I had been planning to buy just a couple and pay $20 EACH! Boring stuff to most people, but in this season of life for me, it was a pretty exciting week!
thanks for featuring my finds – I hope you followers click over and see my chandelier – we are loving it!
Thanks for featuring my post! It was a pretty exciting day and I love being inspired by other bloggers’ finds. Happy Friday, all! Enjoy your hunt tomorrow 🙂
Hi Christina, I can’t get over those jadeite cups you got so inexpensively! With all the old kitchen glass I’ve collected, that’s something I still don’t have, because it’s always so expensive. Way to go! And the paycheck machine is really cool, never seen one. Good luck, I hope you make a mint on it! Thanks for hosting & for visiting me. Take care – Dawn
Love your finds! I too love baskets as stylish storage. Those salt/pepper shakers are adorable! :0)
Love all your finds! Goodness, ya’ll have great yard sales there. I have two dark brown baskets with handles like the one you pictured and I love them. They are so sturdy! Really, really LOVE the salt and pepper shakers and those jadeite cups. Been hunting things like that for a long time. If you ever want to sell the shakers and cups, I would buy them from you! =)