This post is part of a series – “31 days of Pinterest: Pinned to Done” You can read all the posts in this series here. And to make sure you don’t miss anything you can sign up to have every post sent to your email, follow me on facebook, or subscribe in your reader.
Today’s project was inspired by this pin from My Sweet Things.
It is a mirror/art piece created from a ceiling medallion! A while back (like 9 mos. to a year ago) I picked up this ceiling medallion at my favorite 25¢ booth at my parking lot yard sale. I wasn’t sure if it I was going to use it for medallion or for an art piece but for 25¢ I figured I could do something with it!
I also had in my stash a mirror/candle plate from Hobby Lobby. $2.99 but half off so I paid $1.50. So this project cost me $1.75, and took me like 1.5 minutes, after the items sat in my craft/spare room aka “the room where crafts go to die” for almost a year.
I wiped down the medallion and the mirror and hot glued the mirror on to the back of the medallion. I didn’t even paint the medallion as I wanted it white anyways, but it would probably have a glossier finish if I would paint it.
To hang it on the wall I used my favorite FREE paper clip hangar trick I showed you in this post.
You can also see that I used to have a large plate hanging in the middle of the smaller plates in my dining room. I decided to switch that out with this ceiling medallion mirror for now.
I would like to eventually use the ceiling medallion mirror in a gallery wall arrangement in our master bedroom once I decorate/makeover that room. But until then I will enjoy it in the dining room.
You can see my pumpkin topiary sitting on the kitchen table reflecting it in the mirror in this shot.
To see how I made the pumpkin topiary check out this post. To get details on my dining room before/after project check out this post. And to see how I originally chose and hung those plates on the wall with invisible hangers made from paper clips check out this post.
How about you? Do you take 9 months to do projects that take 2 minutes? Need a mirror or some decor for your house and have an extra ceiling medallion laying around?? 🙂
I am joining Nester from Nesting Place in writing a 31 days series in October. You can see all the other hundreds of people writing a 31 days series here.
And I am excited to have 3 blogging friends join me in the insanity! Check out their series by clicking on the buttons below.
And my sister-in-law is joining along too! Writing about their transition as they move across the country with four children.
I have a huge empty spot on the wall in my kitchen/dining room. I haven’t been able to figure out yet what I want to do with it, but now I know! Plates! And now I know how to hang them up there too (I guess I missed that post about the plate hangers before.) I’d probably do the ceiling medallion too, but only if I found one at a yard sale. Oooh goody, I can get plates galore at the indoor yard sale for next to nothing. Okay, I’m starting to get excited! Oh, the possibilities! Why does it take me so long to figure this stuff out sometimes?!
How simple that was and what a statement it makes – love it…..
Love it! This is such a great idea! So simple, but so cute! 🙂
It looks great, and fits perfect with your plates. Love it!
Debbie 🙂
I was just thinking about a similar project with the medallions!! Scary! Every time I pop over it’s like déjà vu! Love it 🙂
The ceiling medallion mirror is my favorite project to date. I am always on the lookout for another great deal on one. Your dining room is gorgeous! So inviting! Thanks for the shout out! I have been on a bit of a blogging break so I’m catching up and hopping back in! Have a lovely day!