I love Christmas! I love all the lights, the sounds of Christmas music playing, the parties and family get-togethers, shopping, decorating, baking, watching Christmas movies over and over again on Hallmark, special church programs, and remembering Christ’s birth – such a wonderful time of year!
And there is just something about sitting in the living room cuddled with my hubby after a long day with a big blazing fire candles lit in the fireplace, no lights on in the room except the lights on the Christmas tree, mantel and some candlelight. Magically I tell you!
So without further ado, here is our Christmas tree!
I have done the same basic colors ever since we were married (that might change next year if I can find some good clearance sales after Christmas this year ) Burgundy and gold with sprays of berries, pinecones and that twirly branch stuff that I don’t know what it is called.
The only change that I made last year was to add the gold ribbon from my clearance stash. And the only thing I changed this year was adding more light strands to my PRE-LIT tree. Not ONE pre-lit light worked this year when I plugged it in (they had been gradually going each year.) I would say it is time for a new tree (we got this one 8 years ago on an after-Christmas clearance sale at Sears), but I am thinking 5 years down the road the new one will do the same thing.
Here are some close-up pictures of some of the ornaments.
Love the little champagne colored gold ones (grrrr…and there is a cord peeking out back there – just pretend you don’t see that.)
And this little one is probably my favorite one! I only have 4 of these because I could only find one package digging through clearance at Michael’s one year so I make sure all 4 go on the front of the tree. The gold beading is raised and it is so pretty – love the shape too.
Here’s another gold, glittery version.
And this close-up shot shows you a bit of each thing I have on our tree – deep red poinsettias, berry sprays, gold twirly stick stuff, pinecones (collected from my MIL’s yard), gold sheer ribbon, and some gold and burgundy Christmas balls.
And I love it right next to the mantel too! (Hmmm…just realized that if I change the colors next year on the tree, I will have to do it on the mantel too…) You can see all the details on my mantel here and how I made the “JOY” letter and the “Unto us a child is born” sign here.
I am ready for it to be evening to enjoy this sight again
And one last shot as I was trying to practice a Bokeh shot.
Hope you enjoyed seeing our Christmas tree! If you want to see lots of other wonderful trees, visit Sarah’s Christmas tree party that she will have up later today. I am linking mine up to the party as well!
What colors do you use on your Christmas tree? Is it a family tree, a fun tree, or a formal tree?
What colors do you think I should go with next year? Or any guesses as to what you think I might go with?? If you follow my on Pinterest, you might have a little clue!
Also linking up to:
So pretty! I’m stopping by from Thrifty Decor Chic.
thanks for visiting, Linda! glad you enjoyed my tree 🙂
It’s beautiful! I really like your last photo with the bokeh.
thanks! I had fun trying to get fun shots with Bokeh! 😉
What a beautiful tree and room – the whole thing!! I love seeing all of this red, this year!
{visiting from Thrifty Decor Chick’s Linky Party}
Thanks for coming over and visiting, Jaime! and thanks for the compliment.
Gorgeous tree!!!! Love it! Have fun making cookies today!! 🙂
Thanks! And we did!
It’s a beautiful tree, one I would be happy to sit and look at admiringly all evening with the lights glowing and the candle fire going. I use the same colors in my tree, but in the opposite direction – mostly gold, clear and some white and silver with gold, including gold pointsettias (not as many, though, wish I had more) with maroon, burgundy and wine colored accent ornaments. I love your mantle. I am fascinated by how people decorate their mantles – it’s the first year I did anything to mine other than stick Christmas cards up on it with tape! You have lots of things on it but it’s not over-stuffed, if you know what I mean. There is visual room for the eyes to rest and individually enjoy the vignettes that you created. Lovely.
Thanks for commenting, Jan! You know I kept looking at my mantel wondering if I had too much but like you said it just seemed to flow ok so I left it! My mantel is one of my favorite places to decorate and I change it frequently as you will see throughout the year here on this blog. 😉
Your tree sounds beautiful as well. I could easily switch mine up to your colors just by adding gold poinsettias! 😉
Your tree is beeyootiful! Love the colors, though I understand about wanting to change things up. 🙂 That is so sad about your lights!!! I have heard people this year talking about prelit trees where when one goes out the rest keep working? Seems like that would make the lights last longer. 🙂 Love the prelit factor, but not when they konk out. 🙂
thanks! 🙂 I love the colors too but I did pick up a pack of another color on clearance so we will see what mood I am in next year 🙂
I think they may make pre-lit trees different now. We actually considered buying a new one this year after Crhistmas and using this one outside but all that I have found left was multi-colored lighted trees. Hmmm… wonder why that is all that is left?? LOL!
Your tree and mantel are stunning!! I’m stopping by from the TDC tree link up party.
I thought I’d make a suggestion for your lights that are no longer working; a solution that worked for me. After two sections on my pre-lit tree were out when we put it up this year I bought the Light Keeper Pro from Target (it was about $18, but may be on clearance now, at least it is online) and although I was skeptical, it worked! I only wish I had tried it before (angrily) cutting the lights out of the top of the tree. We even used it on some (new!!) lights we put on the house outside and with a few clicks they were working again. It looked like a gimmick when I saw the commercial, but after reading great reviews I’m so glad I gave it a try. I don’t know if it will work for you, but just wanted to suggest it!
Thanks for your kind comment! and for coming over from TDC.
You know, I bought one of those light things on clearance last year (can’t remember which brand) and tried it and never could get it to work so I returned it. Maybe I need to try another brand or try again. I still have the old lights as I was saving them to do a trade in deal that Home Depot does for the LED lights next year. Thanks for the reminder to try that again!